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Disclosure by Biden or Trump
Unsealed - Disclosure by Biden or Trump. With the debate tonight, let's talk about the facts and possible scenarios.
The Christian Who Cried Antichrist: A Handy-Dandy Guide To Not Do That
There was once a Christian who tended his Sheep on a YouTube channel from a basement near a desert wilderness. It was rather lonely for...
A Deep Burden for my Brothers
A Deep Burden for my Brothers: Why I am pastorally persistent on rapture timing, UFOs, politics and physical Israel.
Simple Questions to Ask People Looking in Europe for the Antichrist
Here are some simple questions you can ask people who are looking in Europe for the Antichrist...
End-Time Globalism and Holy Hyperbole
Many are digging a bit deeper into the geography in Bible prophecy, and for good reason. There is biblical evidence to suggest the...
Daniel's 70th Week: Practically Prophetic
The pre-tribulational view of the rapture has done much to cloud the practical nature of this climactic "70th week of Daniel"...
Christians are commanded to proselytize
Christians are commanded to proselytize. Isn't that what Jesus told us to do?
What Is This Battle of Gog and Magog All About? (Ezekiel 38 & 39)
Russia is at war with Ukraine. The Nord Stream Pipeline has been sabotaged, and Vladimir Putin is, once again, being touted on many...
The 7 Seals of Revelation - visually
The 7 Seals of Revelation. See them with you own eyes so you can know what is coming before Jesus returns.
Shepherd, the Time of Jacob's Trouble is still to come...
Shepherd, the Time of Jacob's Trouble is still to come...
The Beast, the Antichrist and the False Prophet
The #Beast, #Antichrist and #FalseProphet – 6 part study from the larger End Times For Beginners online course. Take it now!...
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