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Unsealed: Russia, China and UFOs


Hey, this is Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. I am Chris Mantei, your host. Christopher, mom calls me, so that's good enough for me. Please let me know who you are, where you're watching from. We're on various platforms throughout the... Multiverse throughout the internet and social media, including YouTube, of course, Facebook X and Instagram and the end time church app Please, if you don't have that, go get it right now. Hello T-Rex rocking out on a Wednesday. Yeah. It's a little different day. Um, usually it's a Thursday that we go live here, but whatever. Gary, welcome, friend. Hey. T-Rex says, watching from mom's basement. I don't know if that's true, but it would be par for the course. Hey, bondservant. Welcome, my sister. Thank you. Yeah, and by the way, a good thing to do would be to share this right now, please. It'd be awesome for... The algorithm so people can find it. So maybe Christians who are into weird stuff like this or feel a need to serve the church in this way can actually find us. And that would be awesome. Glad T-Rex is glad I was wasting a bunch of time on X and didn't miss this. Well, there you go. You're welcome. Thank you. So anyways, guys, yeah, it's really important to share this and like it and obviously subscribe to where you're watching this. But you can find me on the X platform @mantei4. You see right there at the bottom of your screen if you're watching. M A N T E I four. And even if you're not watching this live, no big thing. You can always leave a comment. I can't guarantee I'll get back to you anytime soon, but, um, you can definitely leave it. If you have a comment, question or concern or whatever throughout our time here, please just leave it and we'll get to you. Yes, Sarah, I saw you. She's back. Uh, I don't want to say old friend because it's old here. But awesome that Sarah is back in the fold. That's Sarah number one. Now here's another Sarah. There's Sarah with an H. uh that's sarah without the age so cool a bunch of awesome sisters here man where's the dudes at there's gary's here so I know that much but anyways always fun to hang out with the smart ladies and these ladies are smart no doubt uh first met this sarah in uh israel in um 2017 Right? Yeah. That was super fun. And the other Sarah, Dr. Sarah says, Professor says, always love when you get into UFO stuff. See, now, thank you for saying so. That's not the majority opinion, my friend. But that's cool because that's how the spirit's leading, so I go where the spirit leads. All right, that's what we got to do. Stay in the word of God. If you're my Christian brother or sister, first of all, that's all that truly matters. Because we run into it all the time, right? Somebody's maybe not doing so great. Maybe somebody's dying. Maybe somebody's in a situation where they need deliverance or rescue in one way or another. Anyways, the point is, your relationship with Jesus and the fact that if he's your Lord or not is the only question that matters. And you're going to face him on Judgment Day. Let's hope you have the blood of Jesus to cover your sin. That's it. That's all I'm saying about that. So get that out of the way, all right? And then we'll talk about this stuff. I will, Sarah. I will let him. I screw up constantly, but sometimes he's clear and I'm listening. Still waiting to see UFOs here because I haven't heard anything recently. Well, that's where Bon Servant lives near the NORAD facility. headquarters in colorado so anyway did I give this hope I didn't give anything away there um sarah oh yeah don't don't you know I mean that's you're welcome but I'm glad you feel that way I guess but trust me nobody watches this so you're not All our fame is very, very small with mankind. That's fine, right? As long as heaven is watching. Anyway, so let's get into this because, first of all, at the bottom of your screen, I want to make sure you are aware, if you are not already registered for a special online... conference about anti-Semitism, including many awesome speakers, including Jewish believers in the land, including Israel Pakhtar, Ron Cantor, Gentiles and Arabs like Al-Fadi, Hicks like Jake McCandless, international flavors like Phil Lai and Baruch Corman and Who the heck am I forgetting? Nathaniel, Barack. Anyways, all these awesome guys are going to be in one day, a mega day of conference that you do not want to miss. It's only $30 if you register by tomorrow. By the end of the day tomorrow, price goes up after that. So get in for the lowest one. That's what I want you to do. Okay? It's very important that it's brought to you by the nonprofit we call Jacob's Refuge. But please just share You'll find out all the info there, the full schedule, the speakers, the bios, the registrations right there. Get it over within five minutes. You're ready to go. Okay? So get that taken care of, please, by the end of the day tomorrow. But I'm going to keep telling you about it before March 23rd because that's the date. And yes, to answer your question, yes, there are recordings. And yes, everyone who registers will get full recordings. You don't even have to be there. Just register for it, okay? No registration. Before the conference starts, no videos for you. Okay. um right so let's let's get into this um there's a there's a lot of angles and and ramifications but I want to talk about russia and china and this ufo issue because um there's there's a lot of information and misinformation and just unknown or like uh not popularly known information um about russia and china as far as this ufo issue um there's different schools of thought number one is the folks that um are convinced still that every ufo we see even though they are classified as unexplained and and and and display these um there's these five behaviors that they exhibit that are not readily explainable. Some of them have all five, including if you record them on instruments and data and systems where they're maybe invisible to the naked eye, but there they are on your instruments and vice versa. Anyways, some people are convinced that even though all those factors are there, they're still made by humans. I think that's incredibly ignorant to think that. I mean, it's just not smart. But whatever. Some people think it's Russia and China and or China. China is just very recent. You should know, right? If you are of a certain age, China was a joke until, I don't know, 20 years ago. As far as like military threats. Yeah. They were all, you know, maybe locally they were maybe threatening, but there certainly couldn't threaten, you know, across the world. But now they can. And so and there's basically there's not a long list of countries that can do that and that are belligerents. So people are thinking this is the UFOs or Russia and China. Well, China was an agrarian poor, had no ability to make anything when UFOs started to appear. or not started to appear, but your modern era since the 40s and 50s and 60s, where there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of cases, they weren't in any position to make anything. So it's not them. At least it hasn't been them. And then people say, okay, well, it's the Russians. And this was a big... initial reason why in the 30s and 40s when the Americans started when we started seeing and experiencing and interacting with these things that this is not actually ours so it must be Russia or else I don't want to think about what it is And so they kind of went the crash course on that. And basically half the government at that time, I'm talking about, you know, from the Defense Department to the newly created Air Force after Roswell to the newly created CIA after Roswell and all that stuff. Basically, half of them were given the task to see if it's Russia or not. And the other half was to study it scientifically to see how this is even possible that these things exist because they know they exist. Yeah. So people say, well, some people are assuming that it's an American issue or something. Russia has just so you know, Russia has had UAP UFO, not only incidents, but military interactions with them for decades, decades. at least going back to the 80s I'm sure farther than that but remember this is the soviet union um era so the authoritarian um you know information doesn't really get out easily but when the when the um when the berlin wall came down and the and the ussr collapsed and that whole era right 1991 to you know 99 then anyway it was right after 91 I believe the Soviet Union actually came down and one of the first western journalists some say the first western journalists to go to russia period was this guy named george knapp and if you ufo students uh probably know george uh he's one of the ogs um as far as an investigative reporter he's the he is the first that I know of um at least in modern um Times, who just is really going after where the evidence is. And so he went to Russia right away and met with a guy from the Soviet army or ex, you know, no more Soviets, army that or military or something. Anyway, he was on their UAP UFO mission. He was part of the ones tasked to stop them from hurting Russia. Basically, turn over a bunch of documents with a bunch of incidents. And yes, Russia has not only encountered UFOs in the 80s and before, but shot at them. So you would not be shooting at stuff that's yours. And if the Americans didn't think it was us and thought it was Russia, and then Russia says, I don't know what this is, but I'm shooting at it. Who else is left? All right. Anyway, yes, documented. Not only did they shoot at them, some of their pilots have died trying to go into combat with them. And the secret that really hasn't come out yet, but what there's inklings of is that American pilots have also died engaging in these things over the years. But anyways, I mean, flying. And so, yes, Russia has been dealing with it for a long, long time. I'm sorry. I have to Insta-block all these. The X platform is full of porn trolls and stuff. Got to get rid of them. Anyway, the other aspect is Here, there's a guy named Richard Geldreich, who is one of the absolute best people to follow about this thing. He is a genius. Every major power, China, USSR, Russia, and US, has in one way or another had military UAP encounters. Many involve multiple radars and military jets chasing them. Each also considers the topic a matter of the highest military secrecy. Yeah, and so that's true. Then we saw a couple weeks ago, remember the whole thing with Mike Rogers, the congressman, and all of a sudden you've got to go, we've got this urgent national security threat, and Biden's got to unclassify all this stuff right away. By the way, what came of that? nothing nothing was even confirmed as far as I could tell it was kind of the you know asking around get somebody to leak what it's about and they said the you know the the behind the scenes was yeah this is a russian um saddle nuclear satellite um escalation that you're supposed to not do we committed in the 60s not to do such things but yet they're going to go ahead and do it apparently they haven't done it yet or they're ready to launch it but they haven't it's not ready anyway that was the quote-unquote urgent thing apparently that mike rogers wanted to tell the world about invited literally the whole congress down to the secure information facility to go hear it all and uh you know he said biden you got to unclassify all this stuff and of course he that was the end of it so anyway the point is remember all that Yeah, so it just so happens that, and thank God for people who actually do journalism anymore. I'm going to find it. I don't know. I had it before. The U.S. doesn't seem to fear Russia, but it does seem to greatly fear the ramification of their actions in space. Here's the thing. We learned the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers' recent bizarre public push for declassifying a, quote, serious national security threat became entangled with a concerning briefing on UAP the same day. According to sources, the wording of Representative Turner's public statement coincidentally and ironically mirrored the sentiments conveyed by individuals who had received the briefing from Lou Elizondo that same day, an issue which had been ignored and dismissed by Representative Turner. Lou Elizondo said, Again, I'm assuming you know these things. You might not. You might be new to this whole thing. This is 2017. The New York Times broke the story wide open. This is where all these new videos, the gimbal and the Tic Tac and the Go Fast, all these... videos that were leaked and the story that came out from the Pentagon actually has, even though they've denied it forever, they actually do still have a UFO program and research and more. And Lou Elizondo was the guy in one of these programs and decided to come out and become public basically about it and that's how the the new york times started investigating anyway and again those videos that came out originally were poo-pooed and said they're not you know we don't know what this is this is not real yada yada but it turns out when pressed by the new york times oh yes actually they are real and they're all unidentified we don't know what they are I mean this is a big deal anyway that's alessandro and so alessandro is giving additional secure briefings to Congress, and that, allegedly, that is what is freaking them out about some UAP threat. And I don't know anything more about it, but apparently that's where this attitude came from or this posture. And Turner, as we said a couple of episodes ago, he doth protest too much. Because what he was referring to, if this is the Russian satellite thing, there's a missing piece somewhere. Like he's just totally, what do you call it? Projecting? Like projecting what he actually heard and putting it on this other issue? I mean, the exact same words, but he personally is not going to admit to or publicize the UAP thing because he already gutted the law that would have provided more public disclosure about it. So he's very interested in not doing that. But he did it for this other thing, so either he's just trying to deflect attention and say, yeah, I'm really a good guy. Public disclosure is all right with me. Check this out. Or there's a connection. There's a connection between Russian activity in space and violating... a uh treaty that the united states and russia have I believe are the only signatories I may be wrong about that um but basically we agreed in the 60s not to put any weapons in space um and that was the flap with the whole you know reagan star wars program and yada yada But now apparently it looks like Russia wants to unilaterally change that. And because they're losing in Ukraine and Putin is a little Hitler, he just wants to cause massive death and destruction and keep himself in power as long as he can live. So anyways... So apparently they're changing that status quo and that in itself apparently is a big enough deal to perhaps invoke or change something in the status where now UAPs will be a problem if they do this. I don't know. something's happening in there all right so we just I want you all to know that and be aware that that's happening right now um and there's more I can go into about this I don't think I will but just um let's just say it's a very intentional um It's a very intentional alternate narrative. Narrative. That's big with the Defense Department and government generally, right? Control the narrative. The narrative has been done and will continue to be built up if they are not ready to reveal this stuff for national security, which has always been the claim. Okay. Okay. And so they're going to not just not just be tight lipped about it and just not talk. which would be one thing, but to literally lie about it and to make stuff up and to deflect on purpose to change the narrative that's in the country at large or the culture at large or the social media now because they can't control it. You can't control the narrative anymore. Evidence is here. And you have National Archives now with thousands of documents that all of a sudden have to be there that you didn't want anyone to see. Not all of them, but the point is it's going to be very, very hard to build and keep a narrative that you want. One of those ways is throwing out all the poop against the wall to explain how our pilots are seeing UAPs and our aircraft carriers. And like official people who work for you in the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies that are not crazy and that really do know what they're talking about and really are recording these things and you can't keep the lid on it. So one of the bogus stories you're going to hear is it's Chinese or it's Russian when we know they're not. Again, not standard, you know, not drones, not highly advanced, super fast missiles, you know, flying wings. Very, very identifiable things that aren't. I mean, yeah, there's technologies that are getting better, but nothing as far as what, like, you know, the Tic Tac or the gimbal is. videos prove. Nobody has anything like that. That's just a fact. So what does that mean? That's a different story. But I think we just would be well aware and to know that, yes, Russia for decades has engaged with UAPs, UFOs. They don't know what they are either. They shoot at them. They have their own program to try to shoot them down, to try to get the materials, to try to reverse engineer it, to get weapons. just like us. And now China has their own program to do the same thing. You don't do that if it's your stuff. Anyway, let's move on beyond that. But yes, they're engaging. They have programs. And oh, what did China just say? China just said this yesterday. It might help if I put my glasses on. By the way, I encourage you all to go watch last week's podcast and on YouTube or whatever in the description, you're going to find a big old reading list. It's going to help you a lot. Where's the Chinese statement? I thought I had it here somewhere. I'm going to find it because now that I brought it up, I'm sure I've made you all curious. Okay. Acknowledgement that Chinese media here it is Chinese government is now seriously engaging with UAP as a quote national defense threat Since 1998 And China activates its space strategy to counter the United States People's Liberation Army, PLA. That's the Chinese military. Quote, unidentified aerial phenomenon countermeasure system is also aimed at military restraint. It's a bulky kind of translation, but here it is. Last year, there was an incident with the Chinese reconnaissance balloon was shot down over U.S. territorial waters. You remember that last February. During the Cold War, there was a serious military conflict between East and West. There were sometimes conspiracy theories, but each country is trying to proceed with information disclosure from an extremely calm standpoint. This is China. Attack methods that were previously unimaginable, such as unmanned aerial vehicles and drones, have become a reality now. And reality is that authorities have no choice but to disclose information that, quote, unidentified flying objects are flying. However, we as scientists do not completely rule out the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life. Anyway, so they're taking it seriously. And apparently they have some kind of policy of engagement with them, like military engagement, not like talking. So that's the general breakdown of the situation that I wanted to get there. And I'm sure I missed a bunch of angles. But let's see what you guys are asking because there's a bunch of stuff in here. So sorry about that. Remember, if you have any question or comment or whatever, or Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram, X, even our official app, at, Please go get that and use it. And I'm checking that right now for input. And here we go. Sarah says, Sarah on X, where do you think UFOs are compatible with scripture? I'd really like to know. Well, I mean, I don't want to be obtuse about this, but it's a long story. I mean, it's a good question. It's a long answer. I would refer you for better answers to back in the summertime and the early fall of this podcast where I kind of broke down how it is compatible with And basically, we should resist the temptation to be reflexive or arrogant in our understanding or what we think they are because we might be wrong. Um, I mean, I'm all about, as you know, you know, Sarah and all of you listening and watching should know that I am all about proving things with scripture. And if, and if a, it's not in there, then if something's not in the Bible, it means all options are on the table. Number one. Number two, if it is in the Bible, then we should really understand what it says and what it doesn't say and be extra careful because now we're dealing with God's word and his reputation. Be extra super mega careful not to say something it doesn't say or to go too far or not far enough. and be specific when he's specific, okay? So, Sarah, the fastest answer I can give on that is there are possibilities. It would certainly fit into a general framework of a warning by Jesus that the heavens and the earth will be shaken, that there will be things falling from the sky, that there will be things in the oceans in Luke 21. That will be very troubling and people will be passing out from fear because they don't know what's coming upon the world. Yeah. Just generally that, for sure. And the problem that I see with, again, from the Christian point of view, from people who want to go to the Bible for answers and want to go to God for answers on these things, have kind of retreated into two camps, and they both might be very wrong. Number one is... the kind of happy-go-lucky, God-made everything in the universe, therefore there are, you know, if there are UFOs, they must be visitors from another planet, and therefore they must be good, or, you know, there are friends, you know, space brothers, you know, that whole thing. The Catholic Church basically has said that. For example. So that's one end. And the other end is, it's all demons. or demonic and for I just I would love to engage on that I would just do a show maybe just on that word and how it how when you say when one would say you know ufos are demons or demonic that's physically not possible you don't know what the word means you know like we we got to get that stuff sorted out um So anyway, the other camp is it's all demonic, and the other camp is they're space brothers. Let's sing kumbaya and not worry about it. And so the truth could be very different than both of those things. And I think there's ample scriptural evidence to at least consider – that what we're seeing, just the actual vehicular, not even the super paranormal, you know, other aspects of this, which there are, there are, But just the actual vehicles or what we see, what we think are vehicles flying in the skies or going under the water or, you know, maybe even landing on the ground are made of stuff, actual materials. I think there's evidence, at least circumstantial evidence that you could point to that say, well, maybe the angels use this. Maybe this is how they get around. Maybe this is how they traverse space. between heaven and earth. And I mean, when you say heaven, I'm talking about another dimensional reality. And that's just the best way I can put it in physics terms is another dimension because we know it exists. God and the angels and the souls of the dead are somewhere, but we can't see them. We can't go to look up in the sky and see them. We can't go to another planet or something and see them. So we have to believe they are there. And by the way, not just God and the angels and the dead, the righteous dead, right? The souls that are in Christ, et cetera. Where's Sheol? Where's the place of the dead? Where are those people? Where are the angels who are not serving God? Where are the fallen angels? Where is Satan himself? Why can't we see Satan? I mean, all that. So there's some kind of veil. There's some kind of other dimensionality there that maybe perhaps requires transportation. Now, God uses some kind of transportation. I mean, at some point, yes, Ezekiel and the whole famous thing about Ezekiel's wheel within wheels, yada, yada, and the throne upon this four-legged thing, and it's flying in every direction, and it goes up, and it's coming in fire. Okay, what about Elijah and the chariot of fire? Why was that necessary to bring him to heaven? Things like that. Or Jesus going up in a cloud and coming back in a cloud. What's up with that? Anyway, that's not a very short answer. T-Rex says the 70s phenomenon in Russia, the Petrozavodsk. Is that the one in Siberia? Or is that something different? Um... i don't know remind me but there's a lot russia has there's a lot of stuff I mean if you want to go research what has happened in russia and the ufo side of it they have not been left out oh by the way sorry one other thing bond serving before I get to that um one other aspect I do want to tell you about was I don't know about china And you should know by now the truth of the matter about the, yes, our nuclear weapons and tests and rockets and missile silos have been actually turned off, affected, manipulated by UAPs. documented since the 70s and maybe even earlier and they still are seen around nuclear sites to this day so I don't know what that all means but it's it really happened and we got to wrap our mind around that why would maybe why would that happen but also what happened to russia In our – there's a very well – there are two very well-documented cases, one from Russia and one from America. And it was – they're similar in every way except for the opposite – ending, which is in America, there was UAP in North Dakota, perhaps one of those ICBM silos. Okay, this is where we keep our intercontinental ballistic missiles in the middle of the country to theoretically keep them from attack from an enemy so they'd always be safe when we need to launch at Russia or China or whatever. UAP came to that location, shut down the missile, where they had no ability to control it at all. Now, if they needed to launch, they couldn't. And it was temporary, and then the UAP went away, and then service came back like nothing happened. Now, in Russia, same thing happened. One of their locations, I believe this was in Ukraine, back when the Soviet Union existed. So I say Russia, but the Soviet times, at which point Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, which, by the way, which is why Putin, the maniac, wants Ukraine back in the stable. The same thing happened there. They came to an ICBM site, a UAP, and they messed with the controls. Only this time for them, they turned it on like it was going to launch. which the Russians did not want. No, thank you. Please turn off. Again, it was temporary, and the UAV went away, and it went back to normal. But the point is, we've had similar experiences with the most crazy dangerous weapons that we've ever made. Um, and both have UAP interest and they're flexing whatever they are, whatever this UAP thing is, they are absolutely flexing on our technology, whether it be that the ICBM, you know, nuclear warhead stuff or making our airplanes look like toys. with the videos that we have coming out now and that are still going to come out even more. And this goes all the way, guys. This is not a new thing. This is not some 20 David Fravor and whatever from 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago, but that's all true. But back to the 50s, airline pilots were seeing them and signing after David's and saying, yeah, this is true and it's not a plane and Anyways. OK. Did most bond servant says, did most of the senators block public info on this? Breaking news, McConnell is stepping down. Oh. That must literally be breaking right this second because I didn't hear that. When you say this info, public info on this, this meaning what exactly? Can you be more specific, please? Hello, my brother from India. Here's the internationals checking in. MS, what's up? Maybe the movie Independence Day is a bit prophetic. Boy, I hope not. Congressman Mike Turner, Sarah says, Sarah on YouTube, Congressman Mike Turner represents Ohio's 10th Congressional District where Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is located. That's correct. And that, again, if you're a researcher, if you're a student of this UFO UAP topic, you know that is ground zero, basically, for UFO secrecy. And again, it's not because somebody made it up and it's a conspiracy theory. We know that's true. Lots and lots and lots of proof. Anyway, so yes, the not-so-difficult thing to believe is the very district, the very part of Ohio where Wright-Patterson is, which has always been the first place to take any wreckage, for example, or special stuff that you don't want anyone to know about is in that location, and he represents them, so they're going to make sure they know, he knows, you represent us, pal. So you make sure that nothing gets in any law that will make us give up anything. I know there's some other questions here I want to get to see if Bond's servant had clarified that. I'm sorry. But she did say the interesting thing, speaking of UAP shutting down missile places, I don't think there has been any kind of hostile act from them. Mostly it seems like hindrance actions. Um... right I think uh have they never shot at our planes or stuff like that not that I know of um not that I know of right it seems to be like more like we're better than you and our stuff is way better than your stuff and um I think it's more, whether it's hindrance or not, I don't know, but it's definitely trying to show that whatever that is, it's way more advanced than our stuff. And it doesn't matter what we try. If they wanted to stop it, they could. Or if they wanted to do it, they could. Like, make it happen. Like with the Russian, you know, the Soviet example. They could actually go to silos and turn them on. Ah, here it is. Bond servant. Was meaning about releasing all the information from the skiff. For example, has there been resistance making pancakes? Don't ever be sorry for making pancakes. Um... The information from the skiff, there has been resistance to release that? I don't... You're talking about Turner's thing on Valentine's Day, right? That was just two weeks... Exactly two weeks ago. Um... The resistance to let that info out? I don't know. But, I mean, obviously it hasn't been. I haven't heard anything official. I guess maybe it's semi-official. What's his face? Who's the national security? Sullivan or whatever? Maybe he may have said something on the record about it. So I don't know. Mike Turner, as far as these things go, the committee that he's on, he's one of the gang of eight people. So it really doesn't get any higher than that group, other than the presidential administration as far as authority goes. and like classification knowledge. And I mean, allegedly, but. So not a lot has come out, but apparently that's what it was, what he was referring to in the, in the skiff that he, you know, the, the topic that was presented, um, in the skiff that he, he told everyone about come, come learn this real quick. And I want to declassify as soon as possible with the president. Um, they had, that thing was apparently the Russian and space maneuver. Why would that be such a big deal anyways? I mean, yeah, it's a big deal, but... Alert the media? Like, that's never happened, what he did. Okay. Let's go... Mac, make sure I didn't miss anything. Okay. Have the... Mukul says, have the Iranian or Turkish militaries ever encountered UAPs? I know the Turk... Turkey has a pretty... extensive um documented case file and iran definitely has a couple stories that I remember yes um like government level you know they knew about it yeah turkey's had a couple of really incredible videos actually um the past couple years so yes oh wait but you saying militaries um well they knew about it did they encounter them like try to engage them I don't know or I forgot right yeah it's the actual engagement by militaries I'm not I'm just not sure Some Christian scholar MS says some Christian scholars claim UAPs are basically the watchers or Nephilim of Genesis six. Any thoughts? That's a that's a big one. UAPs cannot be demons. What if they're the watchers? OK, now that's that's kind of what I was talking about earlier about what demons are and we should know what they are. Watchers is, and again, that's a very, I don't want to say fringe, but not a lot of Christians even know what that is. And after, you know, how old am I? After 30 years. of you know hearing all kinds of opinions on this christian opinions um as far as watchers and nephilim and and all that it's a lot of people just don't they have a little information from the bible we don't have a lot so we have a little and then make it into much more than that I'm just saying we got to be careful I mean, that phrase, yes, Genesis 6, and if you include Enoch in that, Enoch says watchers, Daniel says watchers, and that's basically it. I mean, it just says the word in terms of... Maybe there are like principalities, like levels that are ordained by God to do this. That's one thing. But if we're talking about... Genesis 6, those are rebellious angels or whatever you want to call them. In other words, did God create a job, create a station or a creature or whatever called a watcher and this is what they were supposed to do and then And then they didn't. Some were faithful to that job description and some went rogue. If that's the case, then there's really no difference between them and any other angel or principality or heavenly creature in that they have free will. But what is it, right? I mean, if... Like Jude and Peter say they left their first estate. They rebelled. They sinned by actually leaving heaven and coming to the earth and beginning with making babies with human women. So that was the violation. Was the violation leaving heaven at all? Was it coming to the actual ground on the earth? Was it engaging with humans, with sons of Adam and Eve, you know, like human beings? Or was it the sexual act? Like what exactly in there is the sin? So depending on what that is, I mean, obviously we know rape is a sin and humans are not supposed to procreate with any other form of life. So that's obviously a sin. And of course their children, which are the Nephilim, caused a lot of chaos and were purely violent and evil and stuff. But then they all died. They could die. They weren't immortal. They died, but God said your soul is now going to be confined to the Sheol or the earth itself. And you'll now be called the demons. That's what, you know, that's what Enoch says. So if we're talking about, you know, Nephilim or, you know, they're all dead. As far as we know, unless somebody survived, unless they made new ones and they're giants hidden out somewhere. I mean, now we're getting into some really cool topics, but really long ones. So. um uh t-rex's follow I said the incident in russia and I said the siberia thing she says no not the siberia one that was crazy too with the forest level yeah that's exactly that's the tongue tongue and tongue and used to tongue it's just a whatever yeah the p phenomenon was multi-location sightings if I recall correctly yeah I'm positive you're right I don't have recall right this second though about it I'm sorry um they I sarah youtube I had no idea they turned one on yeah apparently that was that's one of the russian the soviet um testimonies yeah yep It is a little scary, isn't it? Because like you say, then it's a different narrative, right? It's a different narrative than we're here to keep the peace or something and make sure you don't blow yourself up, which is what a lot of UFO people think. Don't destroy yourself. Make sure you evolve or whatever garbage. But yes, if they're turning them on, then they're saying they can start World War III at any moment and blame other humans, blame humans and get off scot-free when no one knows we did it. Sarah on YouTube says, there are so many more serious people going public now. Yes, you're right. The ball is rolling. It is. I think the ice is breaking. The dam is bursting. Whatever image you want to say about it, something has changed for sure. And it looks inexorable. Like you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube now. So it's just a matter of narrative spinning. Bond service says, well, Grush 2, everything is kept locked down. You mean the info in the skiff? The Grush situation is not over, by the way. They're When I say it's ongoing, like still happening today, this is what I mean. So we had Grush's testimony, obviously, last year in July. Now it's been, what, eight months? And he was very specific in that public setting. And then some of the aspects, some of the questions he was asked, he said, I can tell you, but only in private because I haven't been cleared to say it publicly yet. Excuse me. So that was the whole skiff situation. But since then, he hasn't been allowed to get a skiff with any senators. As far as I know, other people have, but he hasn't. And now he's trying to he's been trying since the end of the year to actually put out a public opinion. op-ed in a major newspaper or major publication. I don't know if it's the New York Times or Wall Street Journal or something about something else. He said new information that would help, again, advance the understanding of this that he's not making this stuff up. and talking about firsthand accounts and, uh, stuff like that. So what he hadn't been clear to say per his, what they call the dopser, which is, um, um, defense department and CIA or whatever intelligence, um, permission slip. Basically you have, if you're playing the game, if you're playing along and even as an ex employee, uh, which he is since last year. You don't work for the government anymore, but yet you're still bound by secrecy. And if you say certain things that are classified, you can go to jail still. or be prosecuted, or God knows what. So he's trying to play by the rules. I mean, I don't want to say I don't give him credit. I wish he wouldn't, honestly. I'm sick of people playing by the rules in this. If it's unethical, if you're hiding things in the public that you know should be out there, and people are being hurt to keep the secret, you tell your NDAs and whatever else you sign to go to hell, and you're going to tell the truth, the full truth, the whole truth. That's my opinion. Anyways. So anyway, he's been trying to write this op ed since the end of the year sometime. And he was saying, yeah, maybe it's maybe in January it'll come out. And then January comes and goes. He's like, maybe February. Like, why? Why don't you not know? It's already written. Because he submitted it, because he's trying to play fair, to the Pentagon again, to the DOPSER process, to get it approved. And they're slowballing it. They've taken two months, apparently, to get back to him. Why? Well, they're nervous about what he's going to say. So they don't want him to say it. The problem is, I think he's so famous now, credibility is up there, and people trust him, basically, and they should, that if they come back and say, no, you're not allowed to say what you want to write, that would look even worse than maybe even admitting it, letting him speak. So I think that's what they're kind of going back and forth about now. So... We'll see what they're going to permit him to say. Ponservant says, considering the days of Noah, what Jesus told us, expect, it seems to me, there'll be very Enochian-like at the end times. That could be. That could be. People want to take the days of Noah statement and the days of Lot right by Jesus and think, okay, well, days of Noah, we know what happened there. Well, I mean, he told us what he meant at least at the ground level, which is... Nobody's going to know what's happening or nobody's going to expect the day of the Lord. It'll be like then where the flood just comes, even though they've been warned for decades and years and years exactly what's coming, they're not going to believe it. And they're going to go about normal life until the day of the Lord comes and sweeps them away. That's what the days of Noah, the days of Lot is about. That's what he meant by that. but there may be an extra dimension to it where what did happen in the days, obviously the days of Lot where sexual immorality had destroyed the culture in the city and God destroyed the city directly, like maybe that's what's going to happen too. Sounds like it might. And then with the days of Noah thing, why did that happen? We have a great flood taking away the whole world because everyone was in wickedness and the wickedness was because of these people offspring of the fallen angels of these angels and and people called the nephilim and all that what they did so are you going to see that again basically is the question and it's an open question I don't think it's a definite no but I don't think it's a definite yes either but it could be Now we're zooming in. This is what I've been teaching and trying to get people to realize. We know Satan will be cast out. Is it possible the heavenly battle will be going on near the end and UAP and all that stuff? UAP might be a part of that. The supernatural dimension is opened up. Hard to explain. Yeah, I know exactly what you're asking. I think that's the most grounded biblical way to think about this. is that maybe that's exactly what it's going to look like. And again, Daniel eight, it says the little horn has the power somehow to pull down stars from heaven and trample on them. Stars, of course, not being actual balls of fire or, you know, stars in the sky, but something in heaven, the usually angels are called the stars of heaven. There's something to that. I mean, uh sarah says my teenage daughter and I saw ufo once I don't think I ever told y'all I may as well admit it now the atmosphere is changing yeah you can come out you can you can come out it's a safe space um yeah like remember I i had a one of the previous episodes here we did a my um one and only as far as I know um experience and I was a small boy and uh you know grandma and brother were there and stuff but that's awesome yeah I'd like to see more information about that there or whatever if you want to do it in public or private um I think we covered that ms What if UAPs are angels in rebellion who are trying to harm or mess with human beings? That's possible. It's possible. My position right now is we don't know that for a fact. Because maybe good angels use those transportation modes as well. Maybe this is how God sends angels. Maybe there are different factions. And there is some evidence, and I'm not going to go into it today. We've already been on too long. But there is evidence emerging that there are potentially different different kinds of UAPs against each other. And there's actual, you might say, visual evidence of these things. And that the craft, or whatever you call it, themselves look different But yet there's still very physical looking objects and they behave in a visible way and there still looks to be height and weight and depth and that kind of stuff. Anyway, I'm not going to go into that today, but it's very interesting. I think the MS says, I think the watchers married the daughters of men, which is in its sin in and of itself. Yeah. Right. So obviously that, that sure definitely is a sin, but at what point does it become, you know, did you cause you left? Cause you went to Mount Hermon. That's what Enoch says. They went to Mount Hermon and conspired, uh, to, to do this thing. And at what point was to make them rebellious. In other words, we're good angels coming to the earth and visiting and hanging out and talking on mountains. Remember Jesus said, MS says, remember Jesus said that in the resurrection, they don't marry, but are like the angels in heaven. Yeah, they neither marry nor are given in marriage. They are children of the resurrection. They don't die. There's no reason to have children, basically, because you're not going to die. You don't need to procreate. Now, how does that work with You know, rebellious angels and women who apparently made children? You got me. I mean, there's not many options, but we're not told exactly. T-Rex is coming on board to support Sarah because she, yes, and I know this story, she saw a bunch of UFOs over Hudson River Valley flying impossibly. Yep. And yes, you can fill out, if you're comfortable in doing this, if you want to just share your story in a private way at least, or with a brother in Christ that is going to not mock you, you can go to And at the bottom of that page, there's a form you can fill out that says, yes, I've experienced a UAP or UFO, and here's my story. And it won't be seen by anyone. I'll just get a notification and have a record of that. Anyway, it's up to you. Pretty sure I reported to MUFON when it happened. Okay, there you go. Then there should be a record. Do you want to talk about awesome records, dude? I mean, about this topic? MUFON is the king of independent, you know, just... normal citizens and they encourage everyone I guess but as far as documenting this this situation for now when they've been out 1969 or something so like 50 years plus yeah safe space you got it multiple type multiple causes or types of uaps fully on the table Mm hmm. Multiple explanations fully on the table. Mm hmm. Can't wait to hear your story, Sarah. T-Rex, that is a good point to end on. OK, and that is what I'm that is what I know you understand it. T-Rex understands it and maybe some of you do, but most of the people in the church have no understanding of this point. And they don't want to understand it. I get it. Believe me. I know. Most people in my church look at me funny. I mean, my local church. They look at me funny and say, what? Are you serious about this? Yeah, I'm serious about it. Because something's real about it. So, yes, there may be actually you can't just it seems like we we're not we don't have the luxury of saying UFOs or UAP as one thing. Like this is what they are. They're flying saucers and and they appear in the sky and they and they act all mysterious and they disappear and that's it. But that's not it. That's why they're called UAP really from the beginning, but it was always classified as a term like the government ever really referred to them that way. But there's a reason why they're called anomalous phenomenon. Anomalous meaning we have no explanation for it. They're anomalies in nature. Like we don't know how they perform with it. Like T-Rex is saying, they're performing impossible flying. That's why it's called anomalous. We have no idea how it does that. how that's happening. We don't know anything that can do that. No creature, no technology, no invention, nothing. That's anomalous. And that's the easy way to understand anomaly. You're talking about data, anomalies in data, you know, electromagnetic fields. I mean, like gravity. I mean, like... things you can just measure but you can't see and the same anomalous things happen around these uaps in those measurements also so that's why it's called anomalous and phenomenon is because or phenomena the plural is because I don't know really what they are I mean they look they look like metallic machines but there's more to that than that And in a lot of ways, like some, they're not always shaped like a saucer. Sometimes they're shaped like a cigar. Sometimes they're shaped like a Tic Tac. Sometimes they don't look like they're metal at all. Sometimes they're balls of light. Sometimes they're spheres and orbs and of different colors and they change colors and they're not, they don't have a light on them. They are the light, right? Like, All those and more fit into the UFO UAP description. So there is no one thing that you can say, oh, that's this issue. There's a multitude. And why are they called UAP instead of flying objects now? Because they go underwater. When you hear the term transmedium, transmedium is a fancy way of saying they can go in the ocean, to the sky, low atmosphere where we are, high atmosphere where planes fly, and into space. The same object will go from the ocean depth to outer space in a matter of seconds. We don't have things that do that. Humans have no idea how to make that. We would love to do it. But there are things called the laws of nature and physics that prevent us from knowing how to do that. So anyway, that's why it's called anomalous and phenomena and not just an object flying that we don't identify called UFO. So UAP is actually a much better term in my opinion. I've grown to love it. And this is the final word on this today. T-Rex is very wise exhortation that multiple explanations are also on the table. Multiple explanations. It's just not adequate. It's not adequate to assume at this point From what we know now, from what is generally known, and even when you research it and you become a nerd about it and you try to get all the info you can, you're never going to come to a satisfactory conclusion about like, oh, they're this. It's this. For sure. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. That's the biggest secret of all or the biggest tragedy about this whole subject is even those who have been keeping the lid on it for 80 frigging years and the scientists, serious people, you know, pilots, you know, geniuses, physicists, experimental scientists, like people, rocket people, like nobody knows, right? After all this time, they cannot say this is that. So you've got whatever that means. It means it's beyond what we can explain in modern human understanding. Take that for what you will. It doesn't mean alien race. It doesn't mean somebody from a faraway galaxy. It might. But we have to be willing to say it might be what the Hollywood version is, which is other creatures from another planet. It might be. It might be something a lot more closer to home. Maybe another form of life in our solar system. Maybe on the moon or in the moon. Or maybe they live on Earth and they're just in hiding. Maybe they developed alongside and are just way, way more far advanced. Maybe they inhabit another dimension, and they've always been around, and they just peek through every once in a while, and this is what we see. Now, what does that mean? Does that mean they're angels and demons? If they do that, it might, but it might not. Anyway, I'm just going to leave it at that. Multiple explanations fully on the table is exactly correct. Bondservant, don't be... Look, you're supposed to play nice. I'm going to ask my guardian angel, George, about this. Wait, is that a Wonderful Life? It's a Wonderful Life reference? Anyways... But Sarah says, I only saw one. And this is with your, did you say your daughter? That's awesome. I mean, you get more than one witness. That's great. And I assume she would say the same thing you are about it. Oh, Clarence was the angel. Thank you. George was the man, right? clarence what an americanized gospel that is clarence the angel um yeah in a wonderful life yeah yeah yeah um right t-rex says hers was four or five discs too high up see zipping around colliding it so it looks like they were colliding yeah that's what I remember your story basically saying Oh, this is George likes tacos and coffee. I like tacos and coffee. Maybe I'm your guardian angel. Okay, enough of this. Enough of this. Of course, there's that one scripture that some people make a whole theology out of when Jesus said these little children have the face of their... Their angels have the face of their father in heaven. In other words, they have his attention all the time. So what is this? Does everyone get one? When you're a believer, do you get an angel assigned to you? Before you come to faith, does everyone get one? It's interesting because it is in there for a purpose. And then the only other thing I could think of is in the book of Acts. I mean, no, not in Acts. Was it in Acts? I can't remember. Was it the end of the gospel? Maybe an ax. When Peter's in prison, right? Yeah, it had to be an ax. When Peter's in prison and he's set free by an angel, but then the girls come back and tell the, you know, the servant girl come back and tells the story to the disciples. They're like, ah, that's just his, or he comes and knocks on the door. Excuse me, right? It's like, oh, that's just his angel. What? So there's something, you know, some kind of understanding there for us. Anyways, I love you all so, so, so very much. Thank you for hanging with me. This has been Unsealed. Believe it or not, yes, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. This is Christopher Mantai, your friend. Hope I'm your friend. Hope that I'm your brother in Christ. More importantly than that, and yes, I actually am a pastor. Don't be so surprised. And some of the folks who are in my care are actually watching this right now, which is mind-blowing. Even more mind-blowing than UFOs is the fact of who God will give assignments to and what he sees fit to do through an incredibly imperfect person. I mean, sinful. Okay, love you guys so much. Please tune in. Please share this. Please like it. Please be aware that the link is live for you. Go there right now before tomorrow night, okay? Today is the 28th of February. So by the end of the day tomorrow, the early bird pricing is kaput. You don't want to pay more, do you? Okay, so then register right now. Go to uh and of course get the end time app uh and go to the wings of the eagle um podcast page and fill out that form if you have a ufo story or an experience that you want to tell all right guys love y'all so much till next time lord willing uh see you on friday for some q a for this or whatever other topic you want to do all right love you guys till next time

National Archives:

Reading List:

UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973 - Richard Dolan

The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State Book 2) - Richard Dolan

Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program - James Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, George Knapp

In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science - Ross Coulthart

UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites - Robert Hastings

Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers - Jacques Vallee

The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influence on the Human Race - Jacques Vallee

The Edge of Reality: Two Scientists Evaluate What We Know of the UFO Phenomenon - Jacques Vallee, J. Allen Hynek

American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology - DW Pasulka

Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences: Explorations with UFOs, Dreams, Angels, AI and Other Dimensions - DW Pasulka


Welcome back to Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. I am your host and the friend, hopefully, Christopher Mantei. And welcome you in, everyone who's watching. Hello, Tiki, my brother. Transorbital Thursday, I'll take it. I'll take it. And Bondservant is eagerly anticipating this content today. with popcorn in hand. That's awesome. And our friend T-Rex, Trans-Siberian Orbital Thursday. Now that's complicated. Although we do love the TSO, right? All right. Praise God, everybody. This is a Christian program. Yes, it is. But we talk about sometimes stuff that is uncomfortable or... controversial, and this is one of those times. So please, if you are here live watching or listening, please make yourself known. Who are you? Where are you from, etc. If you're a new listener, love to hear from you. Just say hi. And of course, we have a lot of materials at Wings of the Eagle that you want to check out. We have a free app called Anyway, let's get to it today because It's happening as we speak. As we speak, was it earlier this week? Was it Monday or Tuesday? First of all, there's the new NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, as part of that. As you know, there was some major UAP language in the original version that was crafted last year in the senate which passed out of the senate no problem but then once it got to the house there was problems and um certain reps like mr mike turner like we talked about last week killed it uh or gutted it at least those those parts that were very most offensive but they didn't get all of it um part of it um Part of it remained, and it was, I guess, to them, innocuous or not uncontrollable or whatever, which is a new law or new part of the law which requires now all entities from the defense and intelligence organizations meaning the Pentagon and the CIA and all those related agencies, if they have any UAP, UFO-related documentation that has not been released or unclassified that is more than 25 years old, 25 years old and older, must be unclassified and submitted to the National Archives by October. That requirement began this week. There is an out there. If they say it should remain classified, even though it's old, they have to go through a process to have it... I'm not sure if it's the presidential level. I think it is. Give a good reason, basically, why it should remain classified. And if it's not, then you send it to the archive so the country can see it. And so that's what's begun. And there has been a good amount, in fact, a massive amount, already turned over. And if you are watching on YouTube, especially, I try to... Put as many places as I can. But if you're on the YouTube channel, Wings of the Eagle YouTube channel, or my personal one, in the description, it may work on Facebook as well. I tried. I don't know. But go to the description. You'll get a link directly to the National Archives listing of all the new stuff that's come in. I believe there's 400 pages. Not documents. 400 pages of documents and videos and pictures and all kinds of goodies so that is and that's not done right you would think that um this is the initial turnover and then anything else um is maybe being fretted about, but they're going to try to maybe keep it. Maybe they'll just turn it over by October. Throughout the year, maybe little bits will come out. I don't know. But it is very interesting. Very interesting. So again, the link is the first link that you'll see in the description. Actually, I'm going to share the screen here and see if you can see where it goes for you. All right. National Archives. By topic, records related to UAP, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena at the National Archives. Here's a little write-up about it and about where you can get it. Moving images. Textual records. blog posts and articles this is the the landing page um then if you go to the left you can search by the type where you can find them um anyway if you just go there and search let's say ufo project bluebook I mean, there's a bunch of stuff there, and if you start digging, and you don't have to, thankfully, people have kind of been doing this work, but it's a lot of stuff. So that's happening right now, and it's never been done. Why has it never been done? Because folks don't want to turn stuff over for whatever reason, for things that don't exist. And already, folks who are vigilant about this have exposed, not exposed, have just proven several lies over the years that we were told about certain incidents. Well, nothing happened here. It was just this or that. But here's the actual record. You know, here's the actual conversation. Whoops. Turns out we were not telling the truth on that. But that's OK. This is what's going to happen. It's a good thing. All right. So that's number one. In fact, let me get a let me try to show you something even maybe better. I've saved in here somewhere. There it is. No, never mind. Anyways, there's good stuff in there. Okay, so go for it yourself. Okay, go to the archives and you're going to see some interesting things. um all right now a lot of folks have asked um over the past six seven months or whatever how long it's been uh since we started re-engaging or started covering this topic at all here on unsealed um is for reading a reading list basically um you know what how do you get up to speed on this right and thankfully um people maybe trust my, not my opinion, but what's, what's worth your while to read and what's not garbage. And so personally, I think the best way to approach this issue is not emotionally. It's not anything other than the truth. What's the facts. And in that I, I really don't want a lot of opinions or even experiences. Really? Okay. I don't, I'm not, it's easy to manipulate that or for people to, you know, not understand what they're seeing or experiencing or whatever. Not that all of it's not true. I don't know that, but what is much easier to document and to understand is from the government and military perspective. official side to me that's the easiest way to establish the truth of the matter um even though we know they don't tell the truth all the time it's the fact is that there now is a lot of work being done by authors and researchers um and historians to point out exactly what has been done so the reading list again it's completely below if you're on youtube links to Amazon of all the books that are mentioned. There's actually some in there that I did not mention, but let's go through what you do see. The first few are called historical or government-focused. Okay, this is, again, this is my... It's the way my mind works the best to piece things together. It's my recommendation to you if you're legitimately interested. If you've already reached conclusions, then God bless you. See you later. I mean, fine. But here to tell you that even the people you think know for a fact don't. They don't. Still to this point, and it's been decades now, there is legitimate, I don't know if confusion is the word, but unable to pin it down. exactly what is going on that's why they call it the phenomenon because it's a um or phenomena plural because it's more than just um you know a solid object that showed up in our atmosphere one day and what do we do about that it's more intricate so reading list um I'm reading through right now Richard Dolan's stuff. Richard Dolan is a historian by training, okay? He was into the Cold War history and stuff. So this is how he goes about things, and I appreciate that. I mean, I love that. This is how I will process and catalog things in my brain and be able to say – well, okay, here's this, this happened, then this happened, then this happened, then this happened, then this happened. That's what he's done. The first edition that you see there is called UFOs in the National Security State, Chronology of a Cover-Up, 1941 to 1973. And when he says that, and by the way, that book is 800 pages long. And it's not opinion. And it's not fluff. And it's not speculation. All it is, Is evidence is say this happened on this date. This meeting happened in this location. These people were involved. This is what was said. This was, you know, either backed up or contradicted by so-and-so who said this. We go through the very real formation of the CIA, of the Air Force, of Project Blue Book, which was not even the first. Project Grudge, Project Sign. Okay, like how they all happened, who they happened under, the authority, laws that were cited in either telling or not telling about certain events. I mean, all that stuff. So you... Excuse me. You definitely, definitely want, if you're anything like me, you definitely want to not jump to conclusions, but see the actual history, actual history about what has happened by who, to who, and what was done about it. So I really recommend that starting there. If you are coming to this, you know, in the internet age and you're seeing stories or videos or testimonies and you don't know what to do with it, or you really want to jump to conclusions you know, the reflexive position of Christians, which is they're demons or the other side of the coin, which is there are peaceful space brothers and can't be told anything else. or some secret stuff that we have back to 1941. Anyways, go read that, okay? That's 1941 to 1973. There's a sequel. Of course, there is called The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973 to 1991, which the same thing is done, the same care and precision by Richard Dolan, to go through step-by-step, year-by-year. That's how the book's organized. It's just 1954. These things happen, right? That's how it's presented. So maybe it's not exciting. It's probably not exciting. Maybe it's boring to most readers. It's not an engaging drama, but to me it is. Truth is always interesting. So then there's this, that's the second edition by the same author. He is working on a third one. I'm not sure when it's going to come out, but it's going to come up to the current day, maybe 2024. I don't know. But anyway, so get those two for sure. They're really long, and they're, again, not like a story format, but it's worth it. The next one that you see on the list is called Skinwalkers at the Pentagon. These are not fictional, okay? This is history. An insider's account of secret government UFO program by James Akatsuki, Colm Kelleher, George Knapp. James Akatsuki, I believe, is still in the Pentagon today. Like, he still works there. So the things that he will say or admit to is rare. Like... It's all very, very classified. His life is classified, basically. And he doesn't say much, but he wrote part of that book. Colm Kelleher was part of this thing called BAS, and it became OSAP program. You read all about it in there. But yes, it's real. So go read that. Again, it's real history. It's really about Pentagon program. It's really about something that actually happened and not too long ago. We're talking about the 1990s and the early 2000s. So it's not like ancient history. It's not like Roswell or something. This just happened. In terms of history, it just happened yesterday. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon. The next on your list is called In Plain Sight. This is fantastic because it is an overview of basically all those other books I just mentioned. It's almost like a highlight of the major events of the past several decades, including the current trajectory of more and more being revealed. And so Ross Coulthart is that author. You probably know him. He's the Australian guy who's doing all these interviews and talked to David Grush before anyone else. There's a vote of thumbs up from Bond Servant, who I actually read in plain sight. Yeah, it's, it's, it's really good. And again, he's a journalist. Okay. He, he's like, he was never into UFOs or anything before. He had a real job, right? Really investigative journalist, not a newspaper writer. Okay. This is a guy like, I don't know, like old school, um, you know, go into the mob, you know, like infiltrate, ask questions, like investigate the stuff. And he's really good. So there's that. It's called an in-plane site and investigation into UFOs and impossible science. And then finally, again, a very long kind of sterile work called UFOs and Nukes, Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapon Sites by Robert Hastings. This is an aspect of this story that got my attention, like originally. Like, hang on. I don't care about like any other opinions or views or what you think of UFOs, but if you're telling me they're They're violating nuclear sites. To say restricted airspace over a nuclear facility or a launch site, that's an understatement. No one's there. No one's flying there. You try to fly anything over a nuclear plant, any type of nuclear site from the U.S. military, you will get shot down. Don't go there. Okay. That's a no fly zone. And it's always been that way. It's always been that way. And yet you're going to see through reading these books and especially this UFOs and nukes one. They have really been violated constantly. And it's scary. Like this is supposed to be the most, you know, secret, secure, get out of here. What are you doing around here? You don't fly around here. But yet things have been constantly flying around there for decades and decades and decades. And so Hastings has just started. He just started interviewing people who work there. worked at these sites, worked at the silos, worked at the airfields, you know, et cetera. So anyway, again, it's a very long book. Okay, Tiki, stop with the debunking stuff, okay? If you don't want to listen to this, fine. right this is not for you then just move on okay I know I understand I get it but imagine if I don't know um and I'm sorry for the audio only people uh we've got people um people free to make comments on video here um Imagine if, I don't know, something that you've already moved on in your understanding about, let's say the rapture. Let's say a pre-trib rapture person, which I know you're not, kept on coming on your, you know, posting things about how the pre-trib is true. Even though you've already told them, you've already decided on this. mean not to diss them but like how would that make you feel so I'll just leave it at that okay uh so this is the reading list if we're really if we really want true things read this stuff and then make your mind up right don't go on character assassinations see what's actually happening okay there's those are all focused on historical and government um There's another focus to this, though, when we're talking about what's actually going on is what I am personally concerned about, which is the societal impact or the religious impact. So there are works by folks in this regard. As well, again, not to say this is what it is. UFOs or the phenomenon is demonic or is totally awesome. Space Brothers is trying to help us out, not destroy the world. None of that. But actual changes in society and focus on that. Really, it's a classic book that everyone probably should read by Jacques Vallée called Passport to Magonia from Folklore to Flying Saucers. When did that come out? Like the summer? 70s or 60s Jacques Vallée is almost like I don't want to say a legend but in this he's more of an academic okay he's not he helped invent the internet And he has been a deep thinker on this stuff for a long time, and the writing that he's done has been used by government people for years. They all read it because they know it's important. So the seminal work from him is called Passport to Magonia. And in it, again, he's intentionally not saying what he thinks. It is because he doesn't know. Because he sees these things not just recently, not just the past 10, 20, 30, 40 years, even before his lifetime, before Roswell, before the 20th century, before flight. Things like this have been happening. And again, a lot of it was termed, you know, folklore. and stuff like that, and it changes over time, it seems. And so he writes about it. It's very important work. Okay. From that work, he actually got together with other scientific and philosophical minds and stuff. In the academic world, right? In the academic world, these are the nerds, okay? If you're a nerd and you like to read, these are the types of people for you. And they formed a group called the Invisible College, right? And what that means is they didn't want to be publicized. Um, they weren't going to have any public discussions or write, you know, books about it per se, but they're just doing their own, um, investigation and talks and research about it. And to get to the, if they can find out what they can. So there's a book by Valet about that, um, called the invisible college what a group of scientists had discovered about ufo influence on the human race again that's where he's coming from it's not even about you know detailing what these things are it's like the influence and the impact um on people that this thing has had so again that might not interest you that's fine but it's important it's an important aspect of this One of the guys he did consult with and work with, his name is J. Allen Hynek. They wrote something together called The Edge of Reality. Now, this is more of a physics. And the lines of perception and what's real and in the physical world and how are these things like dimensions and stuff. The Edge of Reality, Two Scientists Evaluate What We Know of the UFO Phenomenon, Jacques Vallée and J. Allen Hynek. Definitely worth your time. And then, to close out, kind of like, I don't want to think, she might be, this lady is very much looked up to Jacques Vallée and they have had meetings together and she writes about it actually in a book called American Cosmic. And it doesn't sound maybe interesting to you, but it's called UFOs, Religion, and Technology. And again, this is something that she's a Catholic, but you should go to great lengths to say that has nothing to do with her understanding. She's just trying to get the impact of of how this affects people in different cultures and seeing it through different lenses and the fact that basically, in a way, this whole UFO thing is a new religion. in terms of how people are approaching it, right? And again, that's something that interests me because I thought I'm interested in a new religion, but that's how folks are processing it and how Christians or marginal cultural Christians can be influenced on this both ways, right? Pulled apart or maybe forced to God about it or away from God. The true God. And so that's interesting to me and that's concerning to me. But she put together a really, really cool book of that kind of stuff. But to me, the best parts were the beginning and the ending. Because she actually was invited and participated in a person who she calls an invisible person. someone who still works in the government on what you would call the program okay the program um and about his life not his real name or any info about him that would reveal who he is but um it's extremely interesting uh and where she was taken and the thing that they found when she was taken out there she was blindfolded to get there it's a whole cool story and then the end of that book. She actually goes with that person to the Vatican archives. Talk about the archives like today, the Vatican archives, which has apparently a century's worth of like astronomical records, like Galileo stuff. Copernicus right like that level of things that have been seen and records of events and she she melds that with what else is in that archive which is kind of what you would call supernatural or paranormal events from believers okay from church people over the years and um it's just very interesting and anyway this I'm not spoiling anything but if you do read that you're gonna to me it's like how did the vatican people know who this secret invisible guy was they did because they did I'm not conspiratorializing or whatever. It's just very interesting. Okay. And then she wrote a follow-up to what just came out called Encounters, Experiences with Non-Human Intelligences, Explorations with UFOs, Dreams, Angels, AI, and Other Dimensions. Okay. That's what I'm talking about. Okay. That's how full this issue is. And that's what it involves. All those things. So it's just much more than maybe we want to make it. Maybe our minds right now, if we've never thought about these things, we're just thinking about machines in the sky and maybe it's people making it up or people ought to make money off it or is it real or it's military, what are they doing or whatever. But there's far more to it. And no matter how much you want, we want to not make that connection there, it keeps coming up. And so those are my recommended reading list right now for those who not only are interested, you know, who are curious intellectually, but who actually want to get to the bottom of it, because it's going to affect, it is affecting, and it has, it will, and it will exponentially more be impacting the church. And will cause people to fall away and will cause others to come to faith, especially if the church provides that landing place. And the fact that we church people shouldn't be so arrogant to think we know what this is when no one else does. We've never studied it, but yet we know all about it. I saw some links here and there, and that makes me an expert, right? So anyway, it behooves us as believers to really put our biases aside, and we have them. We do. And yeah, we think we're all about God and Jesus and the Bible, but that's not always true. We're just human beings after all, and we want to be right. And it's a very powerful motivator. um so anyway those that's the reading list there are there are more but a section I didn't put in in the description has to do with theorizing of origins like um okay if these things are real then where are they what are they where are they coming from um Are they good? Are they evil? Are they actually from out there? Are they from down here? Are they from a sideways place? All that stuff. So there's more, but I didn't list them. Okay. So that's the list for now. All right. So click away, read away, let me know what you think. And again, I don't... The Lord is leading this. He is. And he's putting people in positions where there's a massive, obviously, as we know as Christians, there's massive deception, right? Jesus said there's going to be massive deception. There is. There is. Just look at what's happening with Israel and the Jewish people and what people think about October 7th or the follow-up to that or the situation in Gaza, right? Just that, just that, just that. Tiny little event. Look how much deception and evil there is around it. So, when something like this comes out, and it looks like it's going to, whatever it is, the dam has broken, and God wants us, who care about the sheep and who care about lost souls, to be in a position to receive them to talk through it with other leaders christian leaders other denominations right to to know you know what we don't maybe we screwed this up we thought it was this or that but it's not or we never thought about it at all and all of a sudden all my people are asking me about it and they're leaving the faith because of it don't laugh at that that's true In fact, people have left the faith. This is why I started doing this because a guy, many of us have read and, and, um, really admired was, um, oh my gosh, I'm thinking all these other authors, uh, the brother who just died recently. Uh, oh my gosh. Unseen realm. Somebody tell me, um, Shoot, I forget. Michael Heiser. Thank you, Mount Servant. Thank you, Mount Servant. Um... Right. Heiser, he made it his mission basically because he knows of many believers who have left the faith because their churches laughed at them, scorned them, said they were being deceived because they either had an interest in this or they had an experience with something that was unexplainable. And they couldn't find it in the Bible, they thought. And their pastor said, you're just demonized. Right. That type of crap, and it is crap, is not what God wants. And it's not the truth. So I think God is raising up people who actually want to figure this out and to save souls through it and to stop souls from being lost who are believers. So that doesn't get much more important than that, right? So that's why this is being done. That's why I'm doing this. Um, and so what is your, um, opinions other than I'm sorry but not tiki's on this uh other things perfectly fine um bonds I used to wonder why god let so much air in the church even when he warned us and one day right you mean among believers right and one day I realized jesus gave us the ultimate mission and it's up to us to keep things correct with his help so folks so folks are without excuse actually because the truth is able to be known people choose yeah Oh, Gary. Hey, Gary. Is it speaking of a brother from other traditions or denominations? Watching what has been happening in the church since Pachamama has been heartbreaking. I'm sorry. What is that? What is Pachamama? Diane also asked that. Ed also asked that. Not spelled right, he says. uh the demonic earth mother idol the pope brought into the church ah I'm drawing a blank gary I'm sorry you're gonna have to help me out uh but not saying I didn't I don't I just don't know what that is Um, Anyway, I don't know. And when did that happen? Was this a long time ago? Was this recently? Anyways, obviously the church generally is kind of messy. It's a real mess. And we don't want to be judgmental on our fellow Christians in that way. But I want people to be saved. I want them to witness for Jesus. I want them to be... for him to be glorified and his name not to be besmirched because of our lies, because of our false prophecy, because of our wrongheadedness or stubbornness or pride, which has been the way it has gone, right? So it might have to happen in a general sense, but it doesn't have to happen on an individual level because he is with us to help if we're willing to learn and stay by him. uh pond servants googling it pat pack um mom pack a mama it sounds pretty funny uh anyways so when did this happen anyways um we don't need that to to deceive anyone right uh we've got enough of that going around for thousands of years um and if jock valet is correct I mean, the evidence is not disputable. I mean, there has been thousands of years of... What today you would call a UFO experience. Or even abductions or night, you know... Sleep paralysis and... and crazy stuff that can't be explained and machines that appear and disappear and like all that. It's not new. A couple of years ago, Gary says this happened, um, October 4th, Pope Francis. This is obviously a quote from a story because it's, it's very, uh, insulting. Paul French has attended an act of idolatrous worship of the pagan goddess Paca Mama. He allowed this worship to take place in the Vatican gardens. I mean, I can't imagine that he would worship something. It was a, it says like, it says attended an act of worship. I don't, I don't know, man. I don't know. And I'm not, I'm no fan of France. It's okay. I don't think he's very good at all. Uh, for the for the faith okay for catholic faith little c catholic faith right though the orthodox christianity um anyway okay well that's weird uh but does that have to do with this I don't know I don't think so anyways okay um here's just one thing I want to I want to um bring up before we go because we've been at this long enough I think unless you guys want to talk more ever that gary says ever since then since church doors have been flung open to demons pope did give the idol his blessing yeah I don't know I don't know anything about that but again the the church being deceived by false doctrines of course has never been a new thing it's been from the beginning from paul And from the seven churches in Revelation, right? So it's just something that's always been around. I just want to address one thing, and let's think about this. Seriously. And I don't really have an opinion on this particular topic. I'm just saying this is an example of arrogance that we don't want to do. Remote viewing, Tiki says, is a fancy term for divination. Maybe. It's Eastern mysticism, new age bunk. Now, when you say bunk, it means it's not true. It doesn't mean it's good. Right? Like the Old Testament says, don't mess around with talking to the dead. That's divination. Like Saul and the witch of Endor. Or to talk to spirits. That's divination. But why would God have a rule against it if it wasn't real? it was real they were talking to spirits talking to the dead now that happened through you know obviously rebellious means um but it was still real like the um If you're a saved person and you have a prophetic gift, if God uses that with you, he gave it to you, you can see things beyond where you are. You can know things that you couldn't possibly know. You can see a flash of an image of some person in some place or some location that's prophetic. I mean, that's a gift from God. Cause he wants you to see this or that, or he wants you to tell that communicate to some person, this or that, maybe something about their life. So they could be impacted. So they could come to faith possible or like all that. Okay. Right. That's the prophetic side of our faith. That's not fake. Now, what if God gives that same gift to someone, but they're not a believer, and they have the ability to exercise that, like to make it work? It doesn't mean it's a good thing, but the thing is not the problem. It's like a car. The difference between the driver of the car is depending on if you're going to obey the speed limit or you're going to plow into a restaurant. That's the good or the evil is the one who's driving it. You know what I mean? The car itself isn't evil. The gun isn't evil, right? I mean, it's designed to kill, but still, if you're an evil person with a gun, it's way different than a person who has no interest in harming anyone with a gun. that's what it's right okay so when you say it's bunk that means it's made up and not true I'm not saying yeah definitely a lot of times it is but there's doesn't mean the ability the thing itself doesn't mean it's bad and doesn't mean it's not true there's some things that god will give us whether we're saved or not before we come to faith He'll just naturally or whatever, however you want to look at it. So if you use your time and your abilities to serve God or to serve yourself or to serve another spirit or whatever, that's up to you. Anyway, I just want to throw that out there. Okay. I think the Russians have, or had had remote viewing project. Yes, they did probably still do just like we did or do not sure if we still do, but we definitely did. Um, they've made a movie about it. It's called, what's it called? The man who talked to goats or something like that. it came out not long ago like george clooney like some big star was in it anyway oh there it is ministeric goats yeah it's a real thing Any spiritual gifts are to be asked for in prayer. That's right. Things that God will give you when you ask. Yeah, for sure. T-Rex says, when I was into paganism, And that's not a joke. This is a testimony. I was in the paganism Astro projection or remote viewing were big goals and it is scary stuff. That doesn't mean I would ignore someone's UFO research if they practice that stuff. In other words. Okay. Yeah. The person's not saved and they're actually practicing that those types of things. Um, it doesn't mean what they're, what they're experiencing or what they're learning is wrong. and it's at least it would be valuable even if it's they're being lied to right the whatever the source of this um who they're communicating with or you know whatever um might be telling them lies but the fact is you can still use that I mean that's that's intelligence that's Okay, we know they're lying, but guess what? It's a them. It's a they. It's they're somewhere. And whoever this is, is telling this listener info for a reason. What reason? Right? Like... You can still say it's really happening, even though the message might not be true. The experience, what's actually happening might be true. So it's not about deception. It's about... learning the truth like jesus confronted those who are possessed with demons and the demons talk to jesus obviously the the demons are deceiving they're deceptive but at the end of the day the reason why they are possessing humans is because they want to like it's their goal because of what had happened to them in the past. All they want is a body, right? They just want to feel that again or whatever. So there's a reason... My thought would be that the aim is to draw people into that thing and away from God. Okay, what are we talking about? Again, I don't want to get off into all these areas about things being good for you. Nobody's suggesting anything like that. I just, as a thought exercise, I wanted to just say, just because you hear things that you don't think is normal doesn't mean it's of the devil, right? It means that it's possible and quite possibly if you are a saved person and if you know God, you can either use that in his service or if he's totally off... You're not permitted to do that if you serve God. Okay, awesome. But it's still going to affect a lot of people who are not saved yet. And to tell them, oh, well, that's just of the devil, that's not going to save them. Things are happening that millions of people are going to be affected. I care about those people. You should care about those people. And not just say, well, I know that's false, so I'm moving on. That's not what God would have you do. You're supposed to engage Muslims. You're supposed to engage the lost. But this whole issue that's not going away, and no matter how we might want to say, oh, it's all made up, it's not. This phenomenon is real. And so I hope we're ready. um t-rex just as let's wrap it up with this uh for example joe rogan pushes all kinds of horrific psychedelic drugs yes he does he swears yes he does etc but that doesn't mean I would never listen to him interview an interesting guest which she has and I have and I agree I don't I wouldn't recommend the joe rogan the person uh but We would never be able to listen to anyone on anything who was on saved if we use the criteria of refusing to listen to them on everything they have to say. Yeah. Because most, most often, unless they're actual, just flat out chronic grifters, a grifter is someone who knows what they're selling is not true. They're just trying to make money off it. Um, or like a snake oil salesman, he knows it doesn't work, but he'll tell you it does just to get you to pay. There's that obviously, but most of these folks that I'm talking about in these books that I want you to get educated with, there's nothing to do with that. There's no, nobody's winning in this. There's, um, nobody's making money. It's just something. Yes. Spiritual, but yes, also physical. Um, that is going to come out and we had better be ready. because it's different. We're not ready. We're just not. So let's get ready, because this is part of the whole process, apparently. Part of the whole process of the return of Jesus is times like this, and what can we do in the Spirit to stay in love and joy, peace and patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, to serve not only the ones who already believe, but the ones who don't. To give the gospel in love. That's the point. So, yeah, get educated. And there's your reading list. All right? And go check the National Archives. It's stuff going all the way back to the 40s in there already. So it's pretty cool. All right. Praise the Lord, guys. Love you so much. Until next time, this is Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Whether you love it or hate it or you're indifferent, we'd love for you to support us. We've got a Patreon page about to launch, so you can do it that way or just directly at Would sure love to do that. partner with you. And of course, we've got the book called Fleet to the Mountains that's still out there now, four plus years, four and a half years out there in the marketplace. If you have not read it, I wrote that, please, please, please go get it, There's a course you can sign up for that is self-paced, um, take as long as you want. There's no dates or times that you have to meet. It's just whenever you can get through it. It's even, it's about twice as detailed as the book is. And then if you do get the course, you register for that as a student, then I'll send you a book for free digital version, obviously anywhere in the world. But if you're in the United States, I can send you a paperback if you really want that. Um, but anyway, so just take advantage. We're all in this together, right? As the body of Christ, um, And we want to be in a bigger body of Christ. Amen. A bigger one, much bigger, many more family members. That's what the father wants. All right. Bless y'all till next time. This is unsealed.

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