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House Intel Chair Mike Turner says all members of Congress have access to info on "a serious national security threat." Requesting Biden "declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss" response actions. This podcast/ministry needs your support:


Hey everybody, welcome back to Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Christopher Mantei is me. Hopefully you are well today. Hope this encourages you, blesses you, informs you, educates you, whatever, something. Something positive. Of course, I hope you are my brother or sister in Christ. That's really the only thing that matters or the most important thing for sure is your eternal life. And he is the only way to have that. No other way. No other truth. So make sure you get right with God through Jesus today, like right this second. Don't wait. And of course, always available to talk to you about such things. If you'd like, the best way to get with me is the End Time Church app. End Time Church app, which is available for free on any app store for any device. Just type in into your browser and you will get there. Anyways, we are brought to you by your support here at Wings of the Eagle and this podcast we call Unsealed. Please give whatever you can today,, all forms of donation available. So please do that if you are able. I would really, really appreciate that because this is how this works. All right, we're not supported by any... Anybody. It's just us being supporters. Right. Okay. By the way, I'm not a hypocrite. I support other folks and work that is being done and so forth. So anyways, do it if you're inclined. We're going to talk about today something that happened. It was really weird. It was HelloBondServant. Hi. T-Rex is out there as well. Bless the Lord for you guys and gals. Please do share this, by the way. It would be very helpful on YouTube and Facebook right now. Oops, Instagram. I forgot to go live there. All right, we're good now. Right. Praise the Lord, everybody. So check in on Instagram. I know people have said they've tried to communicate in previous podcasts, but I didn't see their questions, so I'm going to be I'm trying extra hard today to find you. Okay, we're also, anyway, wherever we are, just share this. Thank you. Super easy to do. Just hit the share button. Right, so this past week, it was just Wednesday, I believe. something really weird happened. And obviously the past few months, many, not all, but many of our episodes here on this podcast have been about the UFO UAP government coverup issue. And so this is kind of about that, but kind of not. So what happened was, first of all, who is Mike Turner? Mike Turner is a representative of, um in the united states house um he's a very powerful member because he is the chairman um of oh my gosh I forget which which committee it is it's about intelligence and national security stuff Anyway, sorry. Things are going to happen. So he just... Who is he? First of all, you should know him because, if you're following the UAP issue, because he is, more than anyone else, the only one that for sure led the effort to torpedo or... in any ways make toothless um the 2023 or 24 whatever the most recent ndaa law which national defense authorization act which was what gives the pentagon and the security agencies their money and it's written in that law every year what you can and cannot do and stuff like that um and so one of the changes that was being that has been written up for the past year has been this uap issue and chuck schumer and marco rubio and others in the senate and the house both bicameral and bipartisan so in other words both houses and both parties house intel chairman thank you very much this is t-rex I love you um So he's over the Intelligence Committee, which was the CIA, which is all the defense intelligence in the Pentagon. Anyways, very big deal. I believe he's one of the Gang of Eight, if I'm not wrong about that. Somebody want to Google that? Gang of Eight we can talk about later, maybe, but The point is this guy spearheaded the effort to neuter, to remove the teeth as torpedo, the UAP language in the most recent NDAA, which was extensive in terms of – it would have been before they changed it. It would have been the law. It came out of the Senate like this. So the Senate said this is a-okay, but it's just when it got to the House of Mr. Turner that it changed. it would have been an extensive disclosure law akin to the JFK assassination laws, which is not total. There are still things about JFK that we, you know, files from the government that are still classified because the president keeps classifying it. But that's the point. It has to get to the president's level to remain classified. The default is to unclassify. and to reveal and to disclose, hence the term disclosure, about the UAP issue. And a part of it, of that law that was removed, that apparently ticked a lot of people off, including Mr. Turner and where he represents, which is in Ohio, the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which is an infamous place. Location for UFO study and the Roswell crash was taken there. And this is where the UFO studies in the 40s and 50s were headquartered. So who knows the extent of what they actually do there? But anyways, that's his district, okay? So Wright Patterson and the many, many defense contractors that exist in that part of the country, make sure Mr. Turner knows what they think, okay? Anyways, so he gutted this and took out the part that they hated the most, which was eminent domain. Eminent, eminent domain. Which would have made any – it's a law. You can read the original draft from the Senate. It's talking about non-human intelligence. The words are in there. Any craft or any materials or any engineering, any technology that derived from such materials or crafts or beings, NHIs, whatever, it has to be turned over to the government. Now it's our property. That's eminent domain. So they hated that, especially the contractors, the private aerospace companies like Northrop, like, oh, my gosh, what's the other one? Flipped my mind. Anyway, all the big ones. They hated that because why do they hate it? That means there is no other answer. It means they have technology that they don't want to give up and they don't want to lose their money or they don't lose their patents or they don't want to lose their stranglehold on the tech or whatever. Very sad situation. Anyway, that's Mike Turner. OK, so and it was he never gave any interviews except for one guy stopped him in the hallway literally 10 seconds and said, oh, yeah, the legislation is fine. Come talk to me about it. That was the whole when the debate about the schumer you know the senate version was being ripped apart uh he just played dumb and then his cell phone allegedly went off and he had to walk away it was it's pretty ridiculous anyway that's turner so he's back all of a sudden on wednesday valentine's day of course I'm out to lunch with my wife And breaking news, Mike Turner is saying there's a national security threat. What was the terminology? Oh, there it is. House Intel chair. Thanks. Mike Turner says all members of Congress have access to information on a, quote, serious national security threat. Mike Turner is requesting that President Joe Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the administration, and our allies can openly discuss response actions. That's what just came out of the blue on Wednesday. First thing I said when I saw that to my wife was, I follow this stuff pretty close. I mean, just governmental, you know, national security, you know, war and peace, all this for 25 years. Pretty close. I've never heard anything like that. I've never heard anybody say something like that. We've got an urgent security from the House side, the intel, not the president, but somebody under with classified info. And not only is saying this in public, but do it right now. I urge the president to declassify everything. Well, what the heck? And that's so just as a principle, maybe it has happened. I have no memory of it. The people on X and stuff were kicking around. They're like, has anyone heard this? Like, no, this was brand new. This was something that if it has happened, it's been a long, long time, maybe unprecedented calling for this is a guy with the highest security clearances. If he's the gang of eight, and the president are supposed to be in the know about every single program in America. Secret program. They're supposed to know about it. So anyway, he's an intelligence. Like, in other words, we know something about an enemy or whatever. And this is so urgent that I have to tell the public right now. And I have to let all Congress, all Congress. That means every House member and every senator is now going to be allowed right now to come down to my secret room. They call the skiff the base. We talked about skiff a couple of weeks ago. Remember? Yeah. every congressperson can now come down to the house skiff in their basement or whatever and get the full information right this second. Like, what the heck is this? And that's a lot of the UFO people are like, oh my gosh, this is it. And even like, I had the, put something on like with a question mark, you know, what? So, and between that and the calling for the declassification of Again, in public, immediately. So first of all, it's concerning, right? I mean, you never want to hear that from your leaders. This is the guy who knows all the secret Pentagon secrets, allegedly. And he's telling us we need to know something right this second. And he knows only the president can say and make it unclassified so they can talk about it. Needless to say, that has not happened. There have been leaks about what the information is. the president hasn't declassified anything as far as I know. And allegedly, I assume this information is correct with the caveat that it might not be. Apparently, this has to do with a new space weapon that That the Russians are going to break a treaty and install if they haven't already. We're not sure exactly. Some people say it hasn't been like it's in the works. Some people say it's up there. Some people say it's not ready yet. I don't know. But apparently the plans are there and maybe are close where the Russians are going to put some kind of nuclear weapon in space, in orbit. There's a treaty between us and the United States and Russia in the 1960s. that says we will never do that. We agreed never to do that. The weaponization of space, quote unquote. This is why people were opposed to the Star Wars program of Reagan, right? Because it was allegedly going to violate this. So we don't know exactly what it is, but that's apparently the concern. And even the people who are coming out of the skiff with Turner was like, yeah, it's bad, you know, potentially and potentially urgent, but not today urgent. So as far as I could tell, no one came out agreeing that this was important for today right now. So kind of bizarre. I mean, if this is true, if this is really what's happening, yeah, it's bad. I mean, it's dangerous. They're talking about either the weapon itself would be nuclear or some power. It would be nuclear-powered. The point is it's an offensive weapon to destroy enemy satellites somehow, whether it's blunt force destruction or electromagnetic interference that would take them offline or whatever. But, of course, now the... societies of the modern world, America, are so dependent and intertwined with satellites that it'll touch every, basically every aspect of life, especially for the the security industry, right? In other words, government communications and actually communicating with our nuclear arsenal could be disrupted. And like, so basically you put those kinds of weapons up there, um, for first strike, um, reasons. And that has been, you know, that's Soviet dogma. That's, that's, uh, you know, Mr. Putin, who is, who is a Soviet basically. Okay. He's an old school communist guy, uh, who's just likes to get really rich, uh, Anyways, so he wants to threaten with first strike nuclear annihilation. I think this is what that's about, if it's true. But the point is, why even talk about that? Well, it's interesting. But secondly, the fact that Turner did it. um and he's calling on you know it was not a partisan thing I know some people think oh he's trying to distract from this and that and the ukraine or the border or whatever that's cynical nonsense you guys he would I mean these folks are really usually not you know to be taken too seriously but this is serious like he really believed it somehow like this is that important it's not political it's not another deal with republicans or democrats or anything or hurting biden or or trump or whatever it's none of that he thought it was important um here's the the thought I had and because I'm mystified still like why would he even do this um And again, assuming the info that leaked out is the correct info, which it might not be. It might be more than that. It might be different. It might be worse. But if it is, I don't get it. And so my thought turned to, well, wait a minute. This is the guy who killed the UAP legislation. And the, or good, it's not totally dead. There's actually some National Archives laws that are coming into effect now that have already produced some interesting documents. Hey, Brian, bless the Lord, guys. Brian Weston. Praise God. Thank you, Brian. Can we remember? Membership is available. Wings of the Eagle YouTube channel. That is true. Thank you so much. So anyways, I was thinking, okay, well, he gutted this and basically put himself as the villain. if you want UAP stuff to be declassified and to come out and you know what? Whatever you think about UFOs and that whole thing, I'm not talking about aliens. I'm talking about deceiving the Congress and having illegal programs and these pilots that are coming forward having no answers or way to It's a flight safety issue to them. They're getting harassed by these things and don't know what's going on or what capabilities they have. And the reality is, and this has been true since the 1940s, there's superior aircraft out there and sea craft and whatever, wherever they go, they're superior to our stuff. And if they ever decided to start shooting, we'd be demolished. We couldn't do anything about it. So if that's still the case, and every evidence reveals that that is still the case, they would be understandably nervous. And if we ever did discover some type of offensive plan or whoever this intelligence is behind these craft or or an orbs or whatever if somehow we found out that this intelligence was aggressive now and is going to attack somehow or whatever we're going to use some you know some kind of offensive maneuvers then you They'd all be nervous. Yes, they would. And they would produce a call, something like this. So he came out looking like he's trying to cover things up. He's not concerned about national security. He's not concerned about imminent threats. He's more concerned about eminent domain than a threat to our pilots. He came across as anti-disclosure. Right. He wants to keep the cover up going. He doesn't want to declassify anything. That's exactly what it. He was the villain in that scenario. That's exactly what happened. So maybe he just did this thing this week to kind of say, hey, wait a minute. I'm not that guy. I'm the guy who wants declassification of when threats come around. And you don't don't accuse me of, you know, being bad. Or whatever. I'm good. I'm the good guy. I'm trying to help America. I'm trying to declassify and get our allies... That's another thing with this whole UAP issue. We're not telling our allies, at least not above board, what's going on. So anyways, that whole... He may just... That's why I titled this what I did. Mike Turner doth protest too much. Obviously, it's an old... Was it Hamlet? Um... That's what it seemed like to me. Since it really doesn't make a lot of sense on the surface, why would he even do such a thing in public like this and call all of Congress to get the special intel that only a few people had and now everyone knows it? And he's calling on the president to declassify? What the heck? The only thing I come up with is he's just trying to reverse his image. somehow for some reason why would he care okay why would he care um why would he care what his image is well maybe there's something coming that um you know he's going to want to clamp down on and not be mr uh open and honest and disclosing about uh so he's going to want to be seen as you know oh well you can trust my turn remember that time he wanted to get everyone out in the open on this and this threat from russia and all that you can trust him for security things I don't That's just my gut, okay? That's just my gut based on what we've seen in public. Okay, so yes, if that's the case, he would fit exactly what the quote means, which he's making too much of a fuss because he's actually guilty. of what he's trying to appear. So that would not surprise me if that's the truth of the matter. So what do you guys say? I see there's a bunch of comments here. Hang on, I'll get to you in just a moment. First of all, is there a real threat from Russia? It seems like something, and it would not be surprising at all. Putin is an evil jerk. He's an antichrist. He's a warmonger. He's a tyrant. All that stuff is true. He's not peaceful. He's not good. He's not a Christian. He's not helpful. He's not a culture warrior. He's in it for him to stay in power, to get rich, and to blow people up along the way. That's what tyrants do. So, yes, it seems very natural that he would do such a thing, especially if he's losing in Ukraine, which he is. And he tried to get his buddy Tucker Carlson out there to make him look good. I don't think it really worked. Tucker's not very smart. And he's not very useful. Anyways, yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if Rush is doing exactly what has come out. Maybe even more. So, okay, let's see what we got here. First of all, let's go to Brian. preferential uh question do you not think that it is being used to get to get the through the senate to ukraine if the money is being diverted corruptly they needed to do it soon as ukraine zielinski might fall I'm not sure what this current thing with mike turner has to do with money Do you mean like, I'm sorry, I just don't see the connection. Why would him saying this thing about this national security issue and telling everybody in both parties, in both houses, that make sure they all knew it? What does that have to do with diverting money? Everything in foreign aid, okay, and military help to other countries, nothing is illegal about that. There is no sneaky money in that. I mean, congressionally speaking, we all know exactly how many dollars go to every country. You can't hide that. I mean, as far as the government goes, if you're a private person, you're private contractors, of course, you don't have to disclose that. But I don't see the linkage, Brian. I don't see how it's, unless I'm missing something there, help me out. To frighten everyone of Russia. Well, we've... I mean, that ship has sailed, Brian. As a country, we do support Ukraine because Russia is scary. It's true. This is not the first boat ride for Mr. Putin to invade his neighbors. He's done it four times now. So... Anyway, I'm just saying like there's really no debate. It's Republican and Democrat, both basically, not every single person, but they have big majorities too because they know supporting Ukraine is in our interest as Americans. Because if Putin feels like he can invade Ukraine, if he touches NATO, we're at war. And that's right next to NATO. So yes, it's in our interest that he backs up. And it certainly is an argument that he wouldn't put anything into the space, which I'm sure he wants to do. Okay. Thank you, Brian. Let's see. Brother Tiki, what's up, man? Faithful Friday, is that today? They want to re-up. Who's they? Want to re-up FISA warrantless surveillance. And slush fund money for the defense contractors. FISA Friday. There we go. Okay, cool, cool. I like it. FISA is spying, domestic spying, basically. Federal... What the heck does it stand for? Shoot, I'll remember later. Yeah, if you want to have permission to tap into communications of American citizens, you need to get a warrant from a FISA court. This is the... compromise that was reached several years ago to allow it basically make it legal so to have a court between the spying agencies and american citizens this court has to actually say yes you can do this this is how we like terrorists and like tapping their phones and like and other things too obviously um defense contractors yeah they'll take they'll take money however they can get it right I don't I don't I still don't understand what that has to do with uh with this though turner kind of made it sound like we're about to be attacked he yeah I mean, that was the tenor, the tone of what he did is acting like someone who thinks this is going to happen real soon. We better stop messing around about it. I could see that kind of freak out if they found out Russia had a direct energy weapon up there, space laser. As long as they're not Jewish space lasers, right? uh inside joke not really inside bad joke um weapon up there specifically that could burn satellites or stuff on the ground make it look like wildfires I mean I'm sure they'd love to do it now this is not a um uh it seems like they want a low-level panic not too much in the public to declare it a more spending and spy see but when you say they though it's not who's they every single senator and every congressman because they now they all know Remember, he said everyone who wants to know can come to the SCIF and find out. Every single senator and house member now is cleared to know this information, whatever it is. I've never heard of that. So when you say they, you mean every congressman and every senator? If anything, just being real here, if anything, it seems like the presidential, the administration, right, the executive branch, Biden and his secretaries and whatever, they're trying to tamp down, not panic the people in this scenario. So I don't see who they would be when you say they. Okay. too much talk of dew and some vid showing a laser light hitting homes etc yeah I don't know um a nuclear powered satellite could stay up there without maintenance for 75 to 100 years yeah that's that's possible so the nuclear either energy I mean um power of the weapon um Or even if it's just a satellite, it's a really God darn expensive satellite to put a nuclear power plant inside it. Yeah, you're right, though. That's that's the only debate or things that's confusing now about what's coming out is some say it's an actual nuclear weapon. Some say it's actually uses nuclear power to to do its thing. Yeah. Just to go back to this for a second, oops, about the actual weapon itself, to have like a laser up there or whatever, it has been Soviet doctrine back... mmm, I forget what year like that the 80s for sure when again when Reagan was around and stuff they it was Soviet doctrine to put a nuclear weapon up there or some kind of mega destructive thing maybe a laser or something that would take away our Retaliatory capability they have a first-strike Doctrine So if that's the case, and this is what they tried to do in Ukraine, by the way, and failed because they suck. Excuse me, but they're not nearly as good or tough as they want to make themselves out to be in Russia. They try to go for decapitation strikes immediately. That's why they bombed Kiev and tried to get Zelensky on the first night of the war. I'm sorry, the special military operation. Jerk, that guy. That's why they tried to decapitate the Ukrainian government instantly because that's their doctrine. So that's what they would try to do in nuclear war with America would be to – and it's been this way again for decades – to somehow destroy Washington, D.C. So you take out the president. You take out all the congress. You take out all the leaders. This line of succession, as much as you can, destroy all of them so there's no leader, no plan. And you would also disrupt, if they could, disrupt the command and control of our nuclear weapons. Now, I kind of think that's a pipe dream, but that's what they want to do. They've always wanted to do that because they think first strike means you defeat the enemy before they can shoot back. So it wouldn't surprise me that any of this is true. uh my marine bond servant says my marine son just surprised me made me egg benedict okay but did he use a space laser to make it that's the thing uh ambitious people are predictable mostly bond services yeah I mean human nature basically is predictable and Nelvaney was killed in prison. Well, he died. He died while being in prison. Yes. In the Arctic Circle, by the way. If you don't know who Nelvaney is, it's really not the time for that today, but was the loudest critic basically putin had he was the most effective ron he started to run for office and he had money and stuff so he was putin is very threatened by that guy um he tried to kill him before he left the country went to europe and was actually doing well in europe like he could have maybe provoked a change of uh government you know got putin out of there in absentia you know like out of the country but then he said you know what I'm gonna go back because that's my country and I don't want to live in another place I want to change from within you know type of thing literally as soon as he landed in russia he was arrested and hasn't gotten out since and now he's dead so make of that what you will Uh, the bill that passed the Senate, you're, are you, there had been all talk online. Turner was trying to push the house to pass the spending bill as fast as possible. Which bill are we talking about here? Help me out. Uh, bond servant, uh, T-Rex says awesome Marines on breakfast. Tell him we're having scrambled jets. See now that's funny. that's funny that's uh relevant um okay okay we need we need something from from my studio here okay um anyways yeah scramble jets that's good stuff this russian nuke thing is is still conjecture no official confirmation nothing right but it may never come because if there is something classified and you know man we got everything classified in america uh no they have I don't I haven't heard anyone speak public or officially about it right Uh, Brian says, you said earlier that all the money goes correctly to Ukraine, et cetera. Then why can't they ever audit the U S defense accounts? I believe that's been the case for many years. That's different. You're talking about the Pentagon passing an audit on themselves. You're totally right. They can't pass. It's been years and years and they've never passed when they always fail miserably because they're trying to hide money. I agree. Um, That's exactly why. But in terms of spending bills, that has nothing to do with the Pentagon. Money that is sent to assist in stuff like that is not a Pentagon decision. That's Congress's decision only. The contractors are certainly helped out. The ones who make the The guns and the missile systems or the defenses, the ACTMS or whatever all the systems are, they're definitely making a lot of money because that's where most of the money goes to. which is it's not actually sent into Ukraine in a suitcase and left, and hopefully they did stuff good with it. We're paying our own companies to make the weapons that Ukraine must receive. That's kind of the deal. And again, like auditing, you can only audit the government itself. The Congress can only audit the Pentagon. They can't audit Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, the defense companies themselves that make this stuff. Obviously, they're private companies. They can't be audited just because Congress says so. So when you're, remember, we just talked about different, little different things. So the Congress, I mean, the Pentagon itself, yes, they can't pass audits because they want to make sure their programs get funded. But as far as foreign aid and stuff, I don't think there's any kind of connection. um uh brian says okay I by the way I keep announcing who it is even if you're watching this there's no need for me to say that but there's an audio um podcast that people actually some people do actually listen to so I wanted to keep them in in the loop there brian says okay I understand but why doesn't the president insist on a normal audit surely everything should be have been seen as above board I don't I mean you can't you can't just insist on an audit uh So the Pentagon is, I mean, technically, legally speaking, yes, is under the command of the civilian side of the government and under the Secretary of Defense position. which is under the president, so that's all technically the executive branch. That's why the president can order the, he's the commander in chief, so he can order them to do whatever he wants, he or she wants. Insist on a normal audit? I don't know. That's just not his role. Congress is the one who gives money and can inspect where that money's going and how it's being spent. The president has no power to do that. In other words, even if he said such a thing, he can't technically do it. There have been reviews. I remember the Bush administration with Donald Rumsfeld and was it somebody in the Obama secretary of defense maybe? Anyway, periodically the defense secretaries will do an overhaul of how the military establishment is organized, like how it's being run, what the job titles are and inefficiencies and trying to make sure money isn't wasted. That's happened a few times. But then when it gets down to SAPs, that's the problem. Special access programs is, and again, if you haven't listened, I'm not saying you didn't, but if you haven't caught the episode we did on SAPs and SCIFs a couple weeks ago, and we also have talked about it before that, but the SAP thing is the real sticking point. Special access programs are not supposed to be known period and there's like three or four different levels of special access to the point where on what they call it bigoted like on unannounced or or on whatever so literally no no one except the gang of eight in congress knows about it and they're they're supposed to know about it even though they don't uh only they're supposed to know and if anyone asks about it whether it even exists you're So it's very hard to to agree with all that, all those rules, and then have a transparent money, you know, an audit. Something's got to give them that. Brian says, why doesn't Congress insist on it? They do. They just fail it. I think John McCain started this push for auditing the Pentagon like 20 years ago. And that's when they started failing because they couldn't account for it. The problem is there's no enforcement. No one's willing to say, okay, well, then you lose all your money, Pentagon, until you can prove, until you can pass an audit, you don't get nothing. No one has the guts to do that. to say that they're just like, Oh, they failed again. Let's try better next time. I agree with you. It is basic housekeeping, but we're not willing to actually follow through with a punishment. Or, I'm sorry, a consequence for failure. We just let them keep failing. And write better laws, right? That's the whole NDAA thing. That's what, like, they just put in what I was talking about earlier. That is supposed to detail exactly what you're supposed to do as the Defense Department. And what you're supposed to spend money on or not, you know, have to admit to this or that or submit to this review and this and that. They try to do it through that. Uh, expecting an audit is like letting the Fox in the chicken coop. Yeah, right. That's true too. Like if they know one's coming, if you know what's coming in your personal taxes, you're either going to make sure everything is absolutely above board and nothing is hidden at all. So there'll be no question or you work extra hard to hide and cheat to make sure they ever find it. you know the stuff you're not supposed to have or the illegal stuff you're doing uh bond service is denying the existence sap it reminds me of hogan's heroes german uh pastry loving sergeant right I see nothing I hear I see nothing I hear nothing right yeah the old show show your age monster so am I um but anyways yeah that's right That's literally the law. And if I mean, in terms of what they signed, they signed a paper. If you're in one of these unauthorized or unannounced, you bigoted, whatever they call these SAP programs. Excuse me. They say if you say anything, you're going to Leavenworth, a military prison with no trial, no parole. For life. Now, I don't know if that's true. I mean, like, have they ever tried to do such a thing? I don't know, but that's the point. No one's ever going to know. And so I guess it scares the heck out of these guys to say, well, no trial. My family's not going to be without it. It's like Novani basically in Russia. That's what they're threatening. They're threatened to be Putin. Like if you'd say anything against this, if you admit anything, if you violate this one letter of disagreement, you're gone. And we're totally legal in doing it. Your constitutional rights are gone. You sign a paper that says that basically. Well, all military people kind of do. If you think about it, if you join an armed service, You're suspending your constitutional rights. Anyways. Brian says, when Trump took power, he said he would destroy the corruption, etc. I believe he got nowhere. No, of course he didn't. He got nowhere. I mean, he didn't really try, Brian, to be honest with you. He didn't try at all because he's self-interested. was not actually interested in fixing the swamp he just didn't want he wanted people to vote for him and if it didn't affect him personally he didn't care he kept the secrets just like he was told he's not a swamp trainer at all as it turns out uh oh there's a grandma no one certainly you're not an old grandma no way All right. That's efficient, I think, for this one, guys. So just to summarize, yes, we all saw, or maybe you didn't, but now you know what happened this past week. And it was weird. It's still weird. I don't, maybe nothing more comes out. Maybe it just kind of does, you know, dissipates or maybe something changes and more info. revealed maybe this is you know what we were told is the reason for the panic maybe is different or more to it than that I don't know um we shall see um so just pay attention okay pay attention for sure and as christians which I hope that's your primary focus if you are a believer then you're not of this world you're just traveling passing through you're not loyal to any country or government or party, and that you're citizens first of heaven and the kingdom of God and not of man. It doesn't mean you can't be patriotic. It doesn't mean you can't love where you live or want it to be safe. Of course, I am and I do. But at the same time, priorities have to always be in line. So anyway, that's all. That's my word for the day. Yeah, Brian, bless you, man. Thank you for the trust and the support. And I certainly look forward to speaking with you more. It's no problem. Thank you. Glad to do it. And you all stay groovy as well. Okay, Dusty Rex. All right, guys. Love you so much. Until next time, Lord willing, maybe next week or as events warrant, stay tuned to the Wings of the Eagle channels, YouTube, Facebook, X, and maybe even Instagram. And by the way, if anyone's complaining, I'm looking. Instagram has no comments that I see. So unless there's a problem with Instagram, I don't see anything to respond to. So Lord willing, next week or as events warrant. And if there's any kind of breaking news like prophecy updates, we have a breaking news prophecy news update. um package that you know I can launch very very quickly if anything is happening that I think the church needs to know um or there's some kind of imminent you know danger or something real threat going on we definitely will come on the air and um and inform in a biblical way okay so anyway love you all so much thanks for tuning in thanks for your time please like and share this it'll be very helpful if you can give is there for you. And until next time, Christopher Mantei saying, be careful out there. And also love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Bye-bye.

Unsealed: Disclosure is guaranteed by Jesus. Nothing will remain hidden. From UAP government coverups, to Christian ministries collapsing in scandal, to false doctrines of every kind, the Truth is coming.


Yeah, indeed, this is Unsealed,

the official podcast of

Wings of the Eagle.

I am your friend.

Christopher Mantei and your

host for today's activities.

I hope my voice isn't too messed up.

Feeling a little throat action going on.

Just wanted to shout out

because I always forget is

the voice that you hear is

on the intro to this podcast

is a man named Stephen

Buckley in the uk and he's

a friend and we met

surreptitiously you know

god thing um several years

ago in israel and um he's a

great dude so I said you

know what your voice would add

Maybe credibility,

because everyone who's

British sounds credible.


that's the voice you hear on the

intro and the outro

sometimes on the podcast here.

So just wanted to throw him

a bone there and say thank you, Steve.

Appreciate you very much.


As always, please, I want you to know,

thank you for watching.

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Oh, my gosh, we're back on Facebook.

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So please do hit the share

button and like and subscribe,

all that stuff.

Wings of the Eagle is where

you want to follow or my

personal pages or things

that have my name on it.

It's really me.

So it's a pretty original name,

so it's hard to fake,

but I don't know of any

fakers out there yet.

Anyway, it's supported by you.

Your offerings,

your giving is how we

continue this ministry in general,

and certainly this podcast

and these tools that you

see to bring these things to you,

these hardware and all that.

Anyway, it all has a cost,

so please support us today.

Pray and give.

See at the bottom of your screen,

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like maybe you need a church.

All that stuff can be found

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I think that settles the

housekeeping here.

Bonservant, hello, as always,

the ubiquitous one.

Greetings to my friend and sister.

And if you are not my

brother or sister in Christ Jesus,

I strongly advise you get

that taken care of today.

You don't know how much longer you have.

You could require your soul tonight,


And that's really the bottom

line of this whole thing.

But what I wanted to talk

about is some kind of crossover today,


So I know we've been doing a

lot of UFO stuff.

I know we've been doing prophecy a lot,

obviously, since the beginning.

of this podcast and and

sometimes you get crossover

and this is this is one of

those things one of those

times about this word

called disclosure disclosure

is a nice word.

It's bandied around a lot,

especially in this UFO topic.

But it's to reveal something,

to disclose is the opposite

of withholding or concealing, right?

Hence the name of the podcast, by the way,

Unsealed, right?

That has to do with the book of Daniel,

et cetera.

But the principle is from Jesus himself,


about things being revealed or disclosed.

And it's not to be taken lightly.

We should take it deadly

serious and be encouraged by it.

If we find ourselves thinking, wow,

when is this going to actually come out?

Or when's the truth going to come out?

Or when's this going to be disclosed?

Whether it's a secret, this evil,

this whatever.

Nothing will remain hidden, friends.

That's guaranteed by Jesus.

I'm going to read you the

scripture on that in a second.

So it doesn't matter what it is.

He's talking to Pharisees at that moment,

but he brings it into a

very large category of everything.

Nothing will remain hidden

from UAP government cover-ups,

which is true,

and you're seeing that

begin to unravel even today,

to Christian ministries

collapsing in scandal.

We're seeing that happen today.

I mean, literally today, last night,

another big revelation of

not only sin or wrongdoing,

but criminality by Mike Bickle and IHOP.

But just to false doctrines

being uncovered and exposed of every kind,

of every stripe,

the pre-tribulation rapture,


dehumanizing of Israel, you name it,

and all the other false doctrines,

every false religion,

every false belief is going bye-bye.

And so that should encourage us.

First of all, where do we get this from?

Actually, Matthew, Mark,

and Luke all mention it,

or in those Gospels,

Jesus says it in all of them.

I'm going to read from Luke

12 with the full context of

In the meantime,

after so many thousands of

the people had gathered,

they were stepping on one another.

Jesus began speaking, first of all,

to his disciples.

That means sharpen up,

if you call yourself his disciple,

first of all to you,

be continually on your guard.

This is the amplified version.

Be continually on your guard

against the leaven of the Pharisees,

which is hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is...

Justifying themselves.


They say one thing and do another.

They say they're sinless,

but they're full of sin.

But there is nothing so

carefully concealed that it

will not be revealed,

nor so hidden that it will

not be made known.

There it is.

For that reason,

whatever you have said in the dark...

will be heard in the light.

And whatever you have

whispered behind closed

doors will be proclaimed on

the housetops.

That is a promise.

That's an encouragement.

And it's also a warning.

First to his disciples.


First to the church.

The church worldwide,

no matter what your denomination,

if you are a disciple,

if you follow Jesus,

if he is your Lord and Master,

if you confess that he is

the Son of God and he is

raised from the dead, and you follow him,

that's your Lord, that's him,

that you're his disciple.

First of all, to you, know that.

There is nothing that you

have spoken in secret in the dark,

maybe to one other,

that you think is going to be secret.

It's not.

And whatever you whisper

behind closed doors,

it will be proclaimed on the housetops.

So not only will it come out,

it's going to be the very

opposite of what you intended.

You thought it was secret?

You thought it was between

you and one or two others?

It's going to be proclaimed to millions.

Nothing is concealed that

will not be revealed.


Nothing is so hidden that it

will not be made known.

Everything is coming out.

First of all,

if you know Jesus as God

himself in the flesh, you can say, well,

okay, I get that.

If you don't know him that way,

you're going to say,

how would Jesus possibly know that?

What is he talking about?

He must be delusional.

Or those words must not be from him,


Well, it is.

And he means it.

And everything is coming out.

I'm going to touch on these

two areas that are overlapping here.

I'm not going to get into

the false doctrine stuff

because it's just too much.

I mean, too many to name.

But I don't care if you

think I'm crazy on this.

By the way, I had to disassociate.

It was apparently becoming a problem.

I have one of the partner

channels that I've been on all along.




who I was, you know,

coming alongside with the

Islamic Antichrist paradigm

and a lot of other stuff.

And, you know,

I was helping them do their

thing and whatever.

And then all of a sudden,

one or two folks who were

involved in that didn't

like what I was talking about with UFOs.

So I think I'm crazy.

All of a sudden, boop, you're right.

I don't know.

Lord, again, just like last week,

I put out a thing about things I've got,

like unforgiveness and things,

because things were

happening from other

ministries and ministers

and brothers and sisters.

I had no idea why.

What is going on?

Why are you choosing this

particular issue over

fellowship with me or what I do?

It's ridiculous.

I still don't get it.

But anyway,

this is another one of those things.

And so that just happened.

It just happened.

So it continues.

But everything's going to come out.

The UAP stuff is not fake.

The UFO stuff is not fake.

I was told more than once by many people.

Hey, Tiki.

What's up, brother?




Dreads orbital.

I plead ignorance on that.

What does that mean?

Going in orbit, going in a circle?

Sounds spacey, right?

That's cool.

Oh, sorry, Bonservant says, yep,

already we have seen some

revealing already.

It's going to be crazy when

it's all revealed.

Yeah, and it's going to take, you know,

it's not an instantaneous,

like everything's coming out tomorrow.

But it will.

Eventually, by the day of the Lord,

the judgment, okay, the day of the Lord,

that's it.

You can't hide anything.

Whether it's in a believer's

life or you're some nation

or government or church,

you're all exposed.

So you better expose yourself to God now.

You better just lay it all

out there right now,

especially if you're a believer,

if you already claim him, right?

you know,

to be his child and to be his disciple,

then you might as well get

it out there right this second.

You just do it yourself.

Cause when, if he has to do it,

it's going to be way worse

for you and the people you love.

And, um, so to leave the UAP thing.


Like there's something there.

I've dedicated a lot of time,

especially the last year or so,

doing my due diligence on this stuff.

Because I never want to

promote anything that's false.

I never want to believe

anything that's false.

As a teacher,

I know I'm held to a stricter account.

So I don't care what the topic is,

whether it's the Bible or not.

I don't want to do a podcast

on something that might be incorrect.

And if it's speculation,

I'm going to say it's speculation.

Or if it's something I don't know,

I'll say I don't know.

But I think it's important.

I think the Lord is, you know,

the Holy Spirit is leading

me to talk about this,

and I'm not going to apologize for that.

Because he's always right.

I'm wrong, but he's not.

Anyway, yes, it's all coming out, okay?

Disclosure on the UAP thing is happening.


and we can go back to that if y'all want.

You can guide this conversation today,

whoever's watching or listening.

But literally, last night,

a new revelation came out

about Mike Bickle trying to rape,

basically, a 14-year-old.

Had a grooming relationship.

Said the same crap to her.

This was a long time ago, granted.

but no one knew about it.


Now, I think it was the Kansas City Star,

one of the local newspapers

where the IHOP KC is located,

did some digging and found

someone who was just coming out,

but this woman was 14 at the time.

She's been with IHOP this whole time.

As recently as December...

You can go read the article for yourself,

and it's penned by her.

She gives her real name, not a Jane Doe.

It took her this long to

come out of such a deep

delusion and deception when

you think a man of God is

with you or supporting you

or speaking kindly or

romantically to you or whatever.

I don't know.

And it's not the end.

This is not the end.

But that's not the point.

The point is it's all going to come out.

There's not been one

confession by Mike Bickle

or IHOP to this point.

It's all been forced upon them.

That's exactly what's

happening with the UAP thing.

Nothing has been admitted to

without it being forced out.

The Air Force, the Pentagon, the CIA,


they will never admit anything

until they're forced to.

And these videos that have

been released the past

couple of years have forced

them to admit they were

lying for decades about not

caring about UFOs.

They actually care a lot

about them to the point of

classifying everything so

no one knows about them.

And yeah,

these videos that you saw are

actually true.

They're actually unidentified.

That means we don't know what they are.

They're not American.

They're not anyone else's stuff.

And we can't explain it.

And that's why they're the same.

Nothing is being volunteered.

There's no righteous stuff happening.

They're self-righteous,

like the Pharisees.

They say one thing, but do the opposite.

And that can be any one of us.

That can be every single one

of you watching this right now.

And me.

And all your families.

And your friends.

And your governments.

And all the people you hate.

And all the people you love.

So, yeah.

IHOP, KC, has to close.

I thought this for right

after I heard this stuff.

And I kind of sort of have

said it once or twice.

And I'm just there's no

reason to hold back anymore.

Obviously, it should close.

Because it's still an

environment where abuse

either is happening or can

happen at any time because

the leader was an abuser.

Put whatever name in there you want.

But he allowed other abusers

to serve in leadership and on staff.

And we don't know how many

actually there were because

every time it comes up,

apparently the people are

told to hush it up and do

an internal Matthew 18 and

never tell anyone.

What's that?

That's the same crap, garbage, bile, gross,

satanic stuff that the

government is doing with UAPs.

And, by the way,

private industry is doing with UAPs.

They deny, deny, deny.

If anything ever comes up, oh,

let's talk about this internally.

Don't let it come out.

where our brand is too

important there's too much

money involved in this too

many millions national

security right it's it's

the the church is always oh

but the church is doing

good work and the

government's always

national security they're

phony they're made up those

are excuses those are

easily um they say that

because most people just

believe it and then leave them alone

It's an internal affair.

We've got it from here.


Yes, self-policing.

This is the same.

Bickle needs to be behind bars.

Yeah, he does.

And again, I mean,

I didn't I didn't I chose

not to read the whole article.

I'm just there's no reason to.

It's not going to change any

opinion of mine or be get

informed more other than

the specific allegations,

whether there was actual

whatever you can.

How much was actually

occurring sexually between

them and what not or what

did or didn't happen?

I don't care.

All right.

He was 20 some years old.

He was almost 30 years old.

This was his babysitter.

This 14 year old babysitter.

He just had he had a two

year old son and he had

little babies younger than two.

And he's propositioning his

14 year old babysitter

saying my wife is going to

die and you can be their their mom.

It's more than gross.

I mean, it's evil.

and um and okay well that

happened and then other

things happen and then

other things happen and

then you you hire people

who do the same things and

and not just to women

there's homosexual rape

okay going on in our house uh so or abuse

Hey, Mokul.

Welcome, brother.

Thank you.

ETC meaning End Time Church.


That may be a case of... I

don't know why I didn't see

your earlier comment.

It's not on my list.

Mokul, I'm sorry.

I don't know.

But anyway, yeah, I should.

But guys, it's not just Mike Pickle.

It's not just IHOP.


Dalton Thomas Dalton Lifsey

his real name finally got

himself booted after

multiple affair is not even

the right word abuse abuse

incidents over a decade and

it's only because he got

caught from what I

understand this has

happened at least four or five times

And the issue is, oh, well,

that's a bad apple and

everyone else is peachy.

You know, no problem.

No problem with anybody else.

It's just one person.

Like, oh,

it's just Bickel or it's just Dalton.

No, you can't.

First of all, that's a stupid comment.

That doesn't make sense.

That's not the way things work.



It's always a culture,

and the evidence is

extremely strong that it is

a cultural issue within

those organizations because

the ones who are the guilty

ones are the founders.

So it's baked into the whole organization.

What do I mean by that?

When Jesus himself says,

a little leaven leavens the whole lump.


he's likening it to the kingdom of God,

but it's the same principle.

You put a little in there,

it's going to spread everywhere else.

You're the baker in that scenario, right?

You're sprinkling in the yeast.

It's going to expand.

It's going to grow.

It's going to go to every

part of the bread.

That's what it does.

It's not just the kingdom of God.

That's why Paul says sin is

the same thing.

It ends up in death.

When it's fully conceived, right,

that whole thing, it's a process.

If it's going to grow and grow and grow,

it'll kill you.

So why would you want to

salvage such a rotten organization?

That's not casting

accusations on anyone else

other than it's probably

true that other people are

engaging in things that the

leader engaged in.

It's common sense.

And it's all going to come out.


just to tie it back to this thing

that's coming out now,

because they're being forced to.

They're not going to admit it.

Self-policing is a lie.

It's a fallen man trying to

cover his own butt,

saying we're going to self-police.

Do not believe anybody who

says they're going to

self-police our organization.

especially if it's a giant

multimillion-dollar operation,

international, tons of, you know,

so many different people

involved and different

tentacles and all this

stuff where you can't

possibly have your finger

on who's doing what all the time.

There's no self-policing.

That's why Jesus, even in the church,

he demands accountability from others,


As a pastor, I'm accountable to my elders.

My pastor is accountable to his elders.

And if you're in a big denomination,

that's part of the reason

why there is a denomination, basically.

You're accountable to someone else.

They're accountable to someone else.

They're accountable to someone else,


Because that's... Just that

principle should tell you God does not...

You cannot rely on one leader.

And if the organization is

so too big to fail, that's a thing now.

Too big to fail.

Our brand is too good.

We're doing too many good things.

It's too much invested in this,

too much time, too much money,

national security.

It's all invested.

We can't change it now.

We can't let someone else,

a third party come in and

really do find out what's going on.

That's why IHOP has to this

day said no to third parties.

For example,

that's why the Pentagon always

fails their audits.

Because they're playing funny.

They think it's hilarious to

spend money on things that are illegal.

That they're not telling

their accountability

partners in the Congress about.


Same thing.

And the only asterisk to

anything that I just talked about,

whether it's the UAP stuff

or the IHOP or FAI,

the only silver anything is

– I don't say the fact of

because it's not a fact yet

– the possibility –

that FAI is bringing in a

third party a true third

party to get to the bottom

of all this if it was just

but from what I understand

and yes I'm still

tangentially kind of trying

to keep tabs on it because

obviously I have a lot of

personal experience in that

but and the people there

but like as far as I know

this third party thing even

though it was promised in

November I guess has not begun yet


Mr. Lipsy has said he's gone

from that organization,

but as Tiki just said right here,

he just posted a few days ago,

first time since November.

My sister pointed this out

to me yesterday.

I'm not going to talk about

what even it is,

but I don't know if it's

supposed to be some

Christian venture or what,

but he's rounding up the same old

promotional machine again

and talk about intensives

and getaways and and and um

media projects and film

like come on me just anyway

whatever it's his soul um

Tiki also says Dalton needs deliverance.


His first message after all

this was to monetize his

followers for a new

endeavor instead of

speaking to his failing.

That's a good point.

We all deal with feelings, failings,

excuse me, and feelings.

We all deal with failings he

needs to do as well.


Well, I mean, to this point, he's still,

you know, blaming the someone else.

He's blame shifting.

It's honestly, it's just typical.

Call it what you want.

You know,

I'm not going to get into

psychobabble or whatever.


Like you said, deliverance,

that's probably the right answer.

I mean,

demonic is certainly maybe part of it,

but you don't need a demon

to be in the flesh.

And that's what basically this is.

Your flesh has taken over your spirit,

and there's no spirituality

at all in any of this,

even though you claim it.

And that's the issue, right?

That's what Jesus has a big problem with,

like with the Pharisees.

If you want to be this way

and be a business person,

Still bad, still wrong.

You're not right with God, but whatever.

You still have to face judgment.

But it's worse.

It's way worse when you claim God,

when you claim the truth,

when you claim to be doing

things for the right

reasons and you're lying about it.

You claim to be a Christian

organization or a church or

a ministry or the Pharisee

defending the God of Israel

and the temple or the

nation of Israel or the

nation of the United States.

That's all lies.

to cover up your behavior of choice,

your sin of choice.

And yes,

we all sin and fall short of the

glory of God and we need

the blood of Christ, of course.

But then there are sins that

involve others and abusing

others and underlings,

people who are under you in authority.

That's what God really hates, I must say.

It shall not be this way among you.

Don't lord it over them like the Gentiles.

If you're in charge, if you're the leader,

serve them.

So it's the opposite of what you think.

Look at me.

I didn't come to be served.

I came to serve,

and I'm going to wash your

feet right now.

That's the truth.

But when you use his name and you say,

you know,

you're actually not only abusing,

not only sinning, not only in adultery,

you're actually doing it

with someone who's under your authority?

Or in the case of the government,

you're threatening people

and hurting them and saying

you're going to go to

Leavenworth if you speak on this ever?

And by the way,

I'm not just making these words up.

I'm choosing them for a specific reason.


Yeah, it's not good.

And God's not going to let

you get away with it.

You have to know.

Especially, especially,

and I got to just come back to this.

If you're a Christian,

if you're really trying to

serve Jesus in IHOP,

in any other ministry, in the government,

in the Pentagon, in the CIA,

in any other letter agency, wherever,

and you know the truth and

you just won't say it

because you signed an NDA

or because you signed a

whatever the military version of that is,

classified information.

They have an abbreviation for everything,

as we know.

Um, once these,

anyone in intelligence who

gets classified information

has to sign one of these

stupid things that says, if you ever,

ever speak on what's

classified that you were

told you go to jail, no trial,

no appeal because we said,

so you go to jail.

Okay, I mean, I get it.

That's kind of strong-arming stuff.

And if things can destroy

the country and you don't

want people saying that,

I understand that.

But common sense, again, would dictate,

and if you're a Christian

and if you see something evil going on,

and if you don't break that agreement,

God will make sure you're in jail.

His jail called hell.

Or whatever, the Lord would say,

until you've paid every last penny.

of what you owe.

So don't make it worse by, oh, well,

I signed this paper.

I agree to this thing.


I can't expose this darkness of

this evil or this sin or

this pastor or this leader

or this government official.


That's not God's way.

There's no secrets.

Everything in the Bible is revealed,

revealed, revealed.

After Daniel, yeah, that was sealed.


you claiming the book of Daniel is yours?

Like, what are you talking about?

Even that's going to be unsealed.

That's the point of this show.

That's the point of this podcast.

It's to say, yes,

actually God has unsealed it.

He's unsealed it already.

There's literally nothing

that has anything to do

with God or the scriptures

that he's trying to hide.

I mean, certain things are for him.

We understand that part of it.

But everything about Paul is,

I'm going to reveal you a mystery.

I'm going to tell you this mystery.

I'm going to get it all out there.

I'm going to tell you what

the Old Testament meant.

I'm going to tell you what

God is all about on this.

The kingdom is that, right?

It's all about answers,

not about hiding things.


so if you're a Christian in any of

those organizations,

if you really are trying to be obedient,

And if you see this evil,

I don't care what the topic,

if you're in the government

or ministry or whatever, say something.

Don't keep quiet anymore.

Go public.

Go public.

Blame me.

I don't care.

Blame me.


let's see what we all are saying here

in the comments.

So remember, disclosure is guaranteed.

Read Luke, Matthew or Mark,

but I was reading from Luke 12 today.

So there's scriptural proof, okay?

It's not somebody's opinion.

It's guaranteed.


All right.

What do we all got here?


Tiki says,

and people stay in that

congregation because they

make men their idols.

Well, that's definitely part of it.

Yeah, hero worship, basically.

That person, that minister, that pastor,

that leader, whatever, is idolized.


by the other people,

by this person maybe who is

being victimized or abused

or someone who's not,

but they're going to cover

for the guy because, oh, well,

he's godly.

He can't possibly be guilty

of this or that.

He can't possibly be covering up.

So dumb.

Mokul says,

why wasn't Dalton removed earlier?

I've heard he's had affairs

while being FAI.

You heard correctly.

He got caught.

Now, why wasn't he removed earlier?

I had the same question four years ago.

I don't see, there's no,

if you're actually in adultery,

you have a wife, you have children,

if you're in adultery with

another woman who is your subservient,

they're under you,

they're under your authority,

on the mission field...

In another,

literally halfway around the

world in Turkey.

And this is just the one

incident that happened in whatever, 2012.

That's it.


You go work somewhere else.

You go back home.

You're not coming back here.

In fact, you founded this organization.

We're going to scrap it right now.

And we're going to start a

new one without you.

If we care about missions,

if we really care about this,

you're not important.

God is.

So you're out.

We're going to start over.

Cleanse our, you know, wipe our hands,

that whole thing.

We're going to be right before God.

That's what should have

happened 12 years ago, but it didn't.

He was allowed to come back.

His home church pastor covered it up.

I saw the alleged video of

this confession where there

was no confession by Dalton.

He wasn't even on the camera.

It was his pastor saying

Dalton have confessed to

this affair and let's just move on.

That was literally it.

So nothing public was ever said.

The organization never

admitted it until what?

Like we just opened the show

with when they're forced to.

So anyways...

I'm not trying to pile on the guy.

I'm just saying, yes,

he should have been removed

10 years ago plus.

But he wasn't.

He was restored by this

local pastor and by a man

named Mike Bickle.


So, yes,

he came back and he got super

popular and he went to the White House.

He went to talk to Donald

Trump's administration.

He's on Fox News Channel.

He's literally raising millions,

millions in the tens of

millions of dollars.

And then it turns out, oh,

he's been doing it more.

And I think, I mean,

the timing was way too perfect.

It was definitely not a

coincidence that after the

Bickle stuff came out in

October that they finally said,

you know what, Dalton,

you're out of here.


So he was put back and God

knows what happened those

intervening years other

than a lot of money happened,

a lot of publicity happened,

a lot of fame happened.

And now whatever.

Now we see the ugly truth.

That's a long answer there, Mogul.


Mogul says,

there is a photograph of Mike

Bickle choking two young women from IHOP.


Well, and it's more than just that.

There's many photos like that.

And he would say he's just

playing around and he was

smiling and it was just the

way he does things.

And of course, we know that's bogus now.

As I point out, Bonservant says,

the idea of good works or

security being done,

they just self-justify hiding the crime.

That's right.

This is not new.

You should know.

This is oldest time.

This is oldest Cain and Abel.

After the murder of his brother, he says,

what am I, my brother's keeper?

Am I supposed to know where he is?

He's lying to God to cover up his crime.

That's what fallen man does.


M on X. It's not an exaggeration for

the audio folks.

That's all the name is.

There is the letter M and

the X is on the old Twitter platform.

So M says, actually,

I believe FIA has already

started a third party investigation.


my information is that they have

claimed that.

But the person I know who

would be a part of the on

the interview list has

never been contacted.

And it's a really critical central figure.

That person should be called

immediately and interviewed.

But it's been three months and nothing.

So I don't believe there's

been anything started at all.

My opinion.

There's certainly no evidence of it.

And this is part of my issue.

I don't want to go back to

anything and be a guy who has issues.

Um, but just so we all know, right.

Truth comes out disclosure.

Um, is that, yeah, it was, it was anyway,

it was promised.

But then immediately,

we're not shutting down.

We're continuing with the Bible studies.

We're going to just roll on

like nothing ever happened

was the immediate announcement.

So it doesn't give off the

impression of we're really

going to look into this and

we're willing to put it all on the altar.

We're willing to lose it all

if we find out lots of evil

things were happening.

I mean, I don't know what more you need,

so I don't think there's

been anything yet.

um I feel for his kids and

his wife I have five I

think what a mess for his

family plus all the others

outside the family affected

yeah and I mean just being

honest his wife wasn't

guiltless either by the way

she was part of this whole

infidelity thing too it's

just a mess but yes he is

responsible primarily yes

When you let the flesh have, Tiki says,

when you let the flesh have control,

you're pushing the Holy Spirit out.


And making it to where he

can't operate in a submissive,

willing soul.

You short circuit his

ability to deliver you.

Basically, I can't argue with that.

Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.

The works of the flesh are evident.

And here's the big long list.

And the works of the spirit are these love,

joy, peace, patience, et cetera,

et cetera.

Jesus is not pointing a

finger at him as holy.

Now I know it because I've lived it too.

Yeah, amen.

Signing NDA is immoral.

I agree.

Holy Spirit has power to

deliver if you want him to

and allow him to.

Basically, yeah.

M, again,

says FAI had a two-strike policy

that Dalton also agreed upon.

He resigned after the second strike.

I don't care about that.

So what?

Is that Bible?

Like, okay, but it's more than two.


It was more than two.

what I was again I don't

want to be a a gossip or

whatever so I'm not going

to say anything that I was

told as a fact but I trust

the person who told me um

that taught my great

insights but then through

research and study I

realized he lifted a lot of

his teaching from reggie

kelly well he certainly

agrees with reggie kelly

and I love reggie kelly

Very good and solid man of

God with good insights.

I agree.

Reggie is worth following for sure.

Reggie has a two to three

hour live Bible study with

other than Saturday night

called called God's

foretold work on YouTube

for edifying and like a

strategy session for operations.


I wish Reggie would come on

in time church.

Tiki, if you have a way in with him,

please let him know.

Cause I've invited him and

he's never come on.

So I want him to be better known too.

Anyway, the point is,

whether it's a specific

teacher or a ministry

leader or a government

official or a government

program or a special access

program or whatever,

nothing is too big to fail.

God's purposes are bigger

than you and don't need you.

He doesn't need us.

He doesn't need Dalton.

He doesn't need Mike Bickle.

He doesn't need IHOP.

He doesn't need FAI.

He doesn't need the United

States government.

He doesn't need the Air Force.

He doesn't need the CIA,

on and on and on and on.

He doesn't need me.

He doesn't need End Time Church.

He doesn't need Wings of the Eagle.

He doesn't need anything to

do what he wants to do.

He will find somebody willing to do it,

what he wants.


Not that he doesn't care.

We know he cares a lot.

He cares more than you could

ever care about anything.

But we have to have the

right relationship.

Lord, my God,

I will love you with all my heart, soul,


Love my neighbor as myself.

The first commandment,

don't have any other guys before me.

This is a different relationship.

It's not a peer thing.

It's not a peer.

He's your father, and he's willing to

to save you and he's willing

to tell you things and he's

willing to give you a

mission that's not a

one-on-one or one-to-one um

his way is not always right

thoughts are higher than

ours that's the quote right

it's exactly what it means

I'm not going to get argumentative here,


By the way, what's your full name,


What more are you asking?

I'm just telling you what happened,

what the truth is.

If there was a third party

supposed to investigate everything,

then that should be happening.

And until then, they should shut down.

That's what I think.

not proceed like normal and

keep the funds rolling.



All right, guys.

So that's the message.


That's just what I wanted to

put out there today.

Again, it does.

It's not necessarily about

any one thing or group or, or anything.

But that is disclosure is, is happening.

It's going to happen fully.



be on the right side okay be

on god's side um you would

the unsafe person would say

the right side of history

um hey emperor matthew

sweet thanks man appreciate

it dude um yeah so just

just be sure you're on the

right the right side of

this because it's all going

to come public it's all coming out

whether it's today, tomorrow,

the day of the Lord, um,

it's going to happen.

And so get your stuff out now,

be totally honest.

If you, if you're a leader, uh,

if you're on the Pentagon,

if you're in the CIA, if you're an IHOP,

if you're an FAI,

if you're in anywhere and

you know that you're in, um,

You're abusing.

You're in such a sin that

you're compromising your

whole mission and your

whole ministry or

organization or government.

Get in.

Do a YouTube live.

Do Facebook.

Do a TikTok.

Tell the world yourself.

Don't send somebody else to tell you.

Tell everyone.

Don't send a crisis manager.

Don't send a spokesman.

Don't send the ministry.

Send yourself.

Take responsibility.

Put your face and tell it all.

because God knows it already.

And so, yeah, that's my hope.

That happens before God makes it happen,


So don't force God into it.

Volunteer now.

It'll be better for yourself.

It'll be better for everybody.

That's the message.

Disclosure's coming.

This has been Wings of the Eagle.

Unsealed, the official podcast.

Please, again, subscribe, share this.

It's really important.

If you want me to continue to do this,

if you like what we're

doing as a ministry, we need your help.

There's no other help coming in, okay?

We are not like other places

with millions of dollars.

That's the understatement of

the millennium, okay?

This is on faith.

This is sacrificial.

This is us doing it because

we're the church, okay?

So that's it.

Love you very much, guys.

Until next time,

Christopher Manti for Wings of the Eagle.

This has been Unsealed.


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